12 thoroughbred troopers gathered for a one way trip, out and back up Mount Henrico.
- 4mi – lakeview around Robins Center. Lakewood, Wood, Baldwin, Rock Creek, Forest, University, and turnaround
- 5mi- 4 mi + Turnaround at Sharon.
- 6mi- 5mi + right on Henrico. Turnaround at Ridge.
This is the Troop Leading Procedure – a simple list to remember all the steps needed to lead a mission for 10 or 10000.
- Receive the mission
- Issue a warning order
- Make a tentative plan
- Start necessary movements
- Reconnaissance
- Complete the plan
- Issue the order
- Supervise
The 5th step in the Troop Leading procedures is recon – the purpose is to confirm or deny what you perceived from mission analysis in step 3. FM 6-22 Leader Development defines Reconnaissance like this:
10-34. Whenever time and circumstances allow, or as directed by higher headquarters, leaders personally observe the area of operations for the mission prior to execution. No amount of information from higher headquarters can substitute for firsthand assessment of the mission variables from within the area of operations. Unfortunately, many factors can keep leaders from performing a personal reconnaissance. The minimum action necessary is a thorough map reconnaissance supplemented by imagery and intelligence products. As directed, subordinates or other elements (such as scouts) may conduct reconnaissance while the leader completes other TLP steps. https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/fm6_22.pdf
YHC completed a map recon, but like the man says: there is no substitute from eyes on the objective. Imagine our surprise today when we ran around to the north end of the Robin center and everything was blocked off for construction. Options are go back (uh, no), go around, or through the maze (of course – thats what they wont expect). Things were going well at the first fence, then another fence was dropped, so hopes were high for the final fence – a seven foot chain link monster. Zip ties. No gaps. Nothing loose. Over we go. Bodos went over using a pile of sheetrock. YHC found some blocks. We overcame. But not the way we wanted to start the run.
Like Saab said the construction wasn’t like that the last time we were in there. What would F3 be without a little excitement here and there.
Get some!
Nice run today gents in perfect weather. YHC was hoping to complete 6 in 45 min, but the obstacle slowed us down a bit. Next time.
Gitty up!
Gomer, are you using F3 workout posts to convey secret messages across the internet? Asking for a friend. Thanks for taking so many Qs as of late, true leadership.
Are you willing to do what it takes to be a winner ?
A winner is a person who goes out there every single day and exhausts himself in every way possible in order to accomplish the mission. Swirly’s Board 4/21/20
Thanks for taking the lead Gomer .
Beautiful morning for a run !
See y’all in the gloom
That was the most fun on a run I’ve had in a while. We should always include scaling a 7 ft fence!
Thanks for leading Gomer.