Three of the King’s Guard woke at the first sound of birds chirping to put in work. Here’s what happened:
Mosey to the extra moist field.
• Invisible Jump Rope
• Rib Spreaders
• Jazzercises
• Cherry Pickers
Mosey to Road to Stay Dry (for now)
• Box Cutters
• Suzanne Somers L
• Merkins
• Suzanne Somers R
One Mile Mosey down S. Ridge to Westham Station
One Mile Catch Us If You Can (rotate after each exercise w added Mary)
• P1 – Exercises (Burpees x 5, WWIIs x 5, DryDocks x 10, Pickle Pounders x 15, Merkins x 10, Burpees x 3)
• P2/3 – Moves (Mosey, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karaokes, Bernies, Mosey)
Back at Parking Lot 4 Corners
• C1 – Merkins x 20
• C2 – Merkins x 20, Monkey Humpers x 30
• C3 – 20 M, 30 MH, Mountain Climbers x 40
• C4 – 20 M, 30 MH, 40 MC, LBCs x 50
Mosey to Guard Rail – Dips x 10, Derkins x 10, Dips x 10, Derkins x 5, Dips x 10 (All IC)
Mosey to VSF
Mary – LBCs x 20, Right Leg Out LBCs x 10, Left Leg Out LBCs x 10, Both Legs Out LBCs x 10, Reverse Crunches x 10, APDs x 15 (All IC)
Ring of Fire
Numberama, Nameorama, COT
YHC audibled halfway through the COP to avoid getting wet, but staying dry was simply not to be. Can’t attest to the dampness of the other PAX, but YHC was thoroughly drenched by sweat on a warm April morning after moseying 2 miles. Noted advantages of First Watch’s early launch to name a few, organically fewer than 10 PAX, driving a motorcycle without lights is acceptable, beating an early morning rain shower, post workout nap, too dark to see the pollen you ingest. During the 4 Corners a white Jeep Cherokee flew by heading west on River, YHC speculates Honeydo fartsacked First Watch, was heading to WDog, but had to turn back with a turtle head pokin.
Something about standing further apart
Wet From Sweat
Great Q, EFH! I’m spent! Lot of crazy going on early in the morning around the AO.
Nice beatdown EF Hutton. Kubota was especially groany today.
Wasn’t me, I’m in WV until Friday. Plus my Jeep is green…
Green, white, who can tell in the dark?
I’m pretty sure I saw an F3 sticker on that Jeep. Honeydo = Fake News.