A typical Tuckahoe trio hit the pavement at the Early Bird this morning in some pleasant temperatures. Keep the kettlebells in the cars and mosey to the COP triangle for:
Imperial Walkers x 15
DQ’s x 10
Hillbillies x 15
Helicopters x 15
Merkins x 10
Scorpion Kicks x 15
Triple Check around the Triangle:
Partner 1 Runs the Triangle
Partner 2 performs LBC’s
Partner 3 performs Squats
Mosey to the fence railings for:
10 x Incline Merkins on each rail
10 x Decline Merkins on each rail
Mosey to the big church parking lot and line up against wall
10 x Donkey Kicks, Lunge to the parking space line, 10 x WW2’s, reverse lunge back to wall
15 x Donkey Kicks, High Knees to parking space line, 15 x WW2’s, reverse High Knees back to wall
20 x Donkey Kicks, Butt Kickers to parking space line, 20 WW2’s, reverse Butt Kickers back to wall
25 x Donkey Kicks, Bear Crawl to parking space line, 25 WW2’s, Crawl Bear back to wall
4 Corners in parking lot
10 x Hand-Release Merkins, chase the dog-walker
20 x Dying Cockroaches, chase the dog-walker
30 x Jump Squats, chase the dog-walker
40 x LBC’s, dog-walker disappears
Triple Check from church welcome center:
Partner 1 runs length of parking lot
Partner 2 holds elbow plank
Partner 3 holds Al Gore
Mosey back to the VSF stoppong for speed bump Burpees on the way back
20 x Flutter Kicks to finish us off
Numberama, Namearama, Announcements and YHC took us out
Possible 3rd F following Early Bird after the COVID-19 scare goes away. We may meet at the River Road Shopping Center Starbucks for a short Bible Study (To be determined).
Great job this morning, men! Please lift up EF Hutton’s Dad in your prayers.
Enjoyed it! Have a great day!
Thanks Kubota. It was like that guy wanted to join in, but wasn’t sure how.
Nice Q, Kubota. I am thrilled to be counted among the typical for this fine AO.