Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Nothing gets the numbers up like a Quarantine


Eight PAX came out HBR wondering if a St. Patty’s Day theme was in store. Actually most pax forgot what day it is but we stayed safe and found a beatdown:

COP: Wider distance of SSH, Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks – real ones that loosen your back up

Mosey to the Honeysuckle hill for 11s: Burpees at top, WWIIs at the bottom. Head over to Donkey Kick Wall for: 4 rounds of: Donkey Kicks, run blacktop, HRMs. Increase #s each round. Down to the Jerkin Gym.

4 Sets of 8 Jerkins. Circle up for some Mary then 2 times up Heartbreak hill with Jumpsquats at top and WWIIs at bottom. Back to flag. Safe Space COT and out.

NMS: YHC received a lot of grief from the other regulars (Atilla & Handshake) since his attendance at the home AO has been sparse with the winter tour. It was good to be back.

It was great to see Howler out with his dad. Not a bad idea to get kids out of the house and tire them out in a supervised manner. Ronnie seemed to love the Scorpion Kicks. Pucker’s knee was feeling sore so he opted for a good Bootcamp rather than his normal Spider Run.

YHC did the math in his head and Jerkins at the Jerkin Gym were reasonable distance partner work. Lots of mumblechatter on Pucker’s relative bone density. Probation, Garbage Plate, and Handshake set the pace. Stay safe all.


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  1. Yeah, that was a classic Veteran move to throw the gauntlet down with the Burpees. Seems like sometime Atilla would do.