Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ready to Run


Five Twin Team regulars joined YHC for a warm, post-rain workout. Here’s what went down.

Mosey to back of Bettie Weaver for COP:

SSH x 25

DQ x 12

Russian Soldiers x 12

American Hammers x 25

Sugar Sticks (aka Flutter Kicks) x 25

Mosey to Playground.


5 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats OYO

Mosey to the swamp


15 burpees, 20 lunges (each leg), 25 imperial walkers, 30 merkins, 35 plank jacks, 40 jump squats

After each exercise is performed, run a lap around the track (6 laps total)


Staying on the track, Bear crawl 4 paces, perform 1 burpee, repeat until reaching the end of bleachers.

Turn around and repeat…this time bear crawl 8 paces and perform 2 burpees.

Time ran out, so audible called.

Mosey BTTF.

Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests, YHC took us out.


YHC awoke at 4:40 this morning to the sound of heavy rain. Brain immediately went into Q contingency plan mode. YHC also figured this might be his first solo post. But, by a stroke of Friday the 13th luck, the rain ended by the time YHC left his abode.

Bullseye arrived early this morning and got some extra credit running in and YHC could tell he was ready for more. Although Doozy figured otherwise, there was no trip to Twin Team hill this morning. YHC admits… he had big plans for it. But, the extra darkness after daylight savings time began last weekend and the chance of rain served as a deterrent. Plus, YHC really wanted to get some pull-ups in after making some recent and unfounded grand claims regarding his pull-ups ability. The BLIMPS (with running) and Bearpees are favorites of YHC and the PAX crushed it this morning. YHC had intended to do the Bearpees on the field, but it was extra swampy this morning.

A decent chunk of conversation this morning focused on the current response of the public/schools/etc to the coronavirus. Prayers for anyone affected…as well as for peace and patience as we all deal with some interruptions in our lives.

Prayers also for PeeDee and his family as they deal with the loss of his mother this week.

Have a great Friday everyone!


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  1. Great Q Tobit, I was fully anticipating a Twin Team Beast but this was a good substitute beatdown.