Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Half measures


Seven of us assembled for this evening’s Punisher. Twenty-five yard mosey off of the parking lot and into the grass (mostly) for COP with 25 x SSHs, 15 x IWs, 15 x DQs, 15 x Russian Soldiers, 12 x Suzanne Somers (each side), 25 x Hello Dollys, and Arm Circles – 30 Small (forward and reverse) then 15 Large (forward and reverse).

Move to the edge of the school and line up for 11s. Run the length of the school wall, drop for 10 Wide Grip Merkins and hop up for 1 Squat. Return to the start for 9 and 2. Continue until 1 and 10 completed.

Begin team Bearimeter. Three begin to Bear Crawl to the east and around the school. Four run forty paces and return. Switch roles. Continue switch until we reach the bus loop. Begin Lindsays with 30 Reverse Crunches and 10 Captain Morgans (single count Squats with one leg on the curb). Continue, adjusting count by 5 reps, until 10 and 30 completed.

Resume alternating Bear Crawl in the direction of the playground. Stroll-mosey the final 20 yards. Begin Super 21 alternating Carolina Dry Docks and single count Boxing Cockroaches. Start with 1 rep of each. Complete 2 reps of each. Add another rep of each per round, aiming for 21 reps of each. Break after 10 reps of each for 10 Jerkins under the swings. Break again after 15 reps and 18 reps. Halt after 18 reps given limited remaining time and mosey back around the school. Bearimeter and Super 21 unfinished!

A minute of stretching in front of the school before returning to the parking lot for COT. YHC took us out.

Nice work guys. Great turnout. Have a good week.


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  1. Great Q Chum – the Super 21 snuck up on me. I said to myself, “I got this “ until around Round 10 —- and then it got me

    PS love the evening gloom .

  2. Nice Q as usual Chum. Carolina Dry Docks seem easy until you get well into the teens on them. Felt my lats rolling over in bed last night.