Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Over the River and Through the Woods …


Twenty one stud muffins emerged from their Dutch ovens looking for a cup of joe and a side of miles, and here’s what they got:

Tyler Haynes Commons to Westhampton Way/UR Drive (YHC had planned to venture along the Gambles Mill Eco-Corrider a/k/a the Bat Cave, but not yet open for business — audible called — anyone who does NOT have a broken ankle this morning can thank Shakedown for that);

Left on River Road, cut through shopping center parking lot and over Huguenot Bridge, left/East/downstream/thataway onto Riverside Drive

4s: to Rattlesnake Creek and reverso

5s: to Williams Island and reverso

6s: to Riverside Meadows and reverso; or follow Saab and Sippy up the hill on Stratford into the woods. Pro tip: whatever they say, do not get in the van.

NMMS: Prayers for Doozy’s mother in law, Gomer Pyle’s dad (surgery today), and YHC’s dad (surgery last Friday). Great run this morning gents, way to push on the flats and thanks for the chance to lead.



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Beautiful morning for a run – great job.
    Gomer back in action baby – good to see that dude !
    Thanks to Hardywood for pushing me on the way back – flying across that bridge brother !
    See y’all in the gloom.

  2. Good one doublemint. Way to step up and lead. Bat cave will be open soon, but good call skipping this morning.

    The other half of the sixes continued down Riverside then went up Hill drive for some fun.

  3. Great run fellas. Nice to catch a few minutes with Bodos, Gomer, Swirly and BT. Swirly was moving across the bridge!!

  4. You’re welcome ?

    In all seriousness, thanks for hearing my concern and making a decision on the fly. Good run even when Hardywood passed us like we were standing still.