Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Misty Mountain Hop


At 5:30 am we fired up The Forge, elevating the temperature at Huguenot High School to 70 degrees. 4 malleable men emerged from the gloom, hoping to get hammered – or something along those lines. Here’s how it all went down.

Mosey down to the circle

My son Jake was very interested in this workout. He had a lot of wild ideas, and specifically recommended a football style warm up, so we gave it a shot.

Form a line and complete the following: rotating squat walk, deep lunge walk, power skips, karoaoke (x 2), walking leg pulls. I don’t know any of these are in the Exicon, but it seemed to do the job.

Flange and Fresh Prince rolled in just in time.

Exercise 1: Route 66
Complete 1 incline merkin at the first light, increased by one at each light. I believe there were ten lights

Exercise 2: Mount Chaplain

From the base, bear crawl up each hill.
First parking lot – Burpee Dans (burpee plus 4 count lunge walks) across.
2nd parking lot – Broad jump burpee across.
3rd – Burpee Dans
4th – Broad jump burpees, then up to the summit.

On the descent: crab walk down and repeat the same pattern with the burpees.

Exercise 3:

Rotate through a circuit of 20 jerkins, 20 dips, 20 chicken peckers. We completed 4 rounds.

Exercise 3: Hillicides

partner up – one person does a suicide style run up the hill, breaking it into 3 sections, up and back. other partner does LBC’s for the duration. rotate
Second round: repeat with Alabama Prom Dates
Third round – repeat with Flutter Kicks.

Mosey back to the flag

Counterama, Namearama

Announcements: Discussed possible dates of the next Puppy Pile.
Support our members heading out in the mission field.

Flange took us out in prayer.

Excellent work by the PAX today.  The light rain made for a nice backdrop. We had some amazing individual efforts. Fresh Prince’s broad jump appeared to be double that of YHC. Posh was a beast on the Jerkins. Flange was smoking the hillicide run portion.  The highlight was definitely the random dude walking his dog as Flange and I were doing Alabama Prom Dates. Think he might adjust his route moving forward.

It was an honor to lead!


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  1. Great Q, Chap! The circuit exercises had my arms quickly remembering the brick workout on Tuesday! Well done! And yes, the dog walker will re-think his route for certain.

    Have a great evening, Gents!