Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A fantastic moon this morning OTB


8 men and 2 dogs posted in total for a variety of routes.

1 man (‘Duke) launched early and went 7+ to Timberwolf and back.

1 man (Aisle 5 (aka Dark Walker)) walked solo and returned unharmed.

1 man (Oyster) forgot that us boys SOJ have to get up early to feed the chickens and get our days started and arrived at 0655 to find Marmaduke finishing up (nope, not getting extra credit….DAMN!) and set off to get his miles in and check off OTB for the Winter Tour.

The last 5 men and 2 dogs (Offshore and Sally, Honeymoon and Annie, P.O.G., Rosie and Gumbo) launched on time (ok, 1 minute late so Offshore could latch the leash on Sally) and conquered 8 miles with a beautiful moon lighting our way until the sun rose and illuminated Salisbury Lake on our return.

Great morning men. Thanks for posting.

No More Gumbo For You


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  1. OTBers are not messing around. Sally and I needed two naps each to recover. Nice work, boys (and Annie).