Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Nicole was looking for Rosie. She got 17 wannabes instead…


It was Spring-like morning at NoToll – we even got a few sprinkles – and 17 men posted for a warm bowl of Gumbo. It was served as follows:

Mosey to the back lot for COP, all IC, including:

  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • EFH’s Jazzercisers
  • SSHs
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • HRMs
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps

Mosey to the Pavilion for the THANG:

Nicole – a modified version of my first workout when Rosie introduced Nicole. Set the timer for 20 minutes and the charge was to complete as many laps around the soccer field as possible in 20 minutes. Each time you pass the Pavilion, stop and do 10 Derkins, 10 Jump Squats and 10 2-ct Flutter Kicks…GO

Plank-o-rama after time was called as we collected the SIX, then a little rando-rama (another Rosie favorite) COP, including:

  • LBCs
  • Hello Dollies with hands up
  • Rosalitas with hands up

Variety Mosey – forward, side shuffle, backwards and forwards again…to the bathrooms

Lazy Triple Check – Pax 1 BTTW; Pax 2 No cheat merkins (HRM with Shoulder taps at the top); Pax 3 (the Timer) does 15 pole smokers…swap and repeat 3 times.

Ring of Fire by the cars – PAX on their Six holding six inches. Candle was lit at both ends and when it was your turn – do 10 2-ct flutter kicks then 10 merkins then hold Al Gore. Next man starts flutters when you get to merkins.

Finally, 3 Burpees OYO to finish.

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama, Announcements and Prayer Requests and YHC took us out.


YHC has been missing the ladies of NoToll and wanted some movement this morning, so Nicole was on order. Guys were flying. I’m pretty sure Fresh Prince lapped me on the second lap. But, Tobit was hot on his heels and keeping him pushing – with Doozy close behind him. Well done men. Way to push.

What genius thought of going from BTTW to No Cheat Merkins? My shoulders were spent after round 1. Maybe I was just preparing us for another Lady of NoToll to make an appearance soon…who knows?

Great effort today guys. No frills. Nothing fancy. But, strong work.

No special announcements today, but several prayer requests, including Nancy Lopez with his father passing, Doozy’s Mother-in-Law (I believe) and Fresh Prince’s wife’s grandfather (I believe). I hope I got those last two right – my recording stopped. Also, a couple kids – one on Bullseye’s basketball team and one daughter of a friend of mine – are having some health issues – yet to be diagnosed. Let’s lift all these folks and their families up in our prayers and provide them support as we can. Same for all those unspoken prayer requests out there!

Be great and be positive fellas!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Well done Gumbo! Maybe no frills and nothing fancy (as you claimed) but Nicole was a little bit of a b!$#@…wishing she had found Rosie instead of us.

    Enjoy your day fellas!

  2. Nice Q Gumbo! Nicole really makes ya work! I thought it was my own sweat dripping on me when it starting sprinkling during BTTW.