0550: Just YHC and Posh idling engines in the Gloom. 0553: Cooper whimpers to welcome a few heroic headlamps advancing on the AO. 0555: A veritable parade of headlights cutting through the misty gloom. 0600: A hearty throng of gloom warriors follow DTH into the unknown. Here’s how YHC fed the mumble chatter:
Mosey to 1st Putting Green for COP #1:
- Welcome & F3 Disclaimer
- Nancy Kerrigans (1 leg SSH) x10 each
- DQ’s x10 IC
- The Opus x10 IC …8 count!
- Hydraulic Planks IC (x10 each way)
- Marionettes x20 IC (WWII w hands alternated Lt of feet, Ctr, Rt of feet, Ctr, etc.)
- Rosalita Whip x20 IC (Legs out & in for 1&2, then drop legs to 6” and up for 3&4)
Mosey to 2nd Putting Green for COP #2:
- Hardywood-Approved Arm Circles: Assume T-plank with Rt arm out for x15 arm circles IC, roll to Six for x15 Hands-up Flutter Kicks IC (Add Chinook arm circles overhead as extra credit), roll to T-plank with Left arm out for x15 arm circles, roll to Six for x15 IC Chinook Flutter Kicks …complete x2 more Rounds OYO & AlGore for the SIX
- Not-So-Lazy Boys: Sitting, legs straight, arms crossed, alternate leaning back & hold, rotating Right & hold, rotating Left & hold
- Wilson’s Wife to stretch it all out …thx Kim ?
Mosey to Stage for COP #3:
- OPP’s – P1 assumes Peoples Chair with Overhead Claps to cadence of P2 completing x20 PlankJacks …switch to complete x3 rounds each
- Each PAX collects a Coupon
Mosey to Carillon Field for COP #4:
- Coupon held overhead (or at least shoulder height) for mosey
- Tea Party Twists – Partner up and sit back to back in People’s Chair. Twist to pass coupon around x10 rotations. Repeato x3 sets, each set followed by Wheelbarrow across space & back.
- Circle up for Coupon COP:
- Tempo Incline Merkins x10 IC
- Shoulder Press x10 IC
- Cradle Coupon Copperhead Squats x10 IC
- Return coupons to Stage – Coupon held overhead (or at least shoulder height) for mosey
Mosey to Rusty Cage for COP #5:
- SIX PACK – Counting up Pullups 1-5, Counting down Merkins 5-1 …reverso to bring PullUps down to 1 & Merkins back p to 5
- Front-runners enjoy x20 dips OYO
Mosey BTT-Field for COP #6:
- Divide into four teams
- PLANK HURDLES: line up and P1 sprints 5 paces to drop into plank. P2 runs and hurdles P1 continues another 5 paces and drops to plank. Each PAX continues runs/hurdles to move entire team to the other end of the field.
- Winners AlGore, Losers x10 Burpees, other two teams x20 Merkins
Mosey to Amphitheater for COP #7:
- From bottom, ascend steps with descending reps from 17-1 …so x17 Reverse Crunch at bottom, then x16 Incline Merkins on next step, then x15 RC’s next step, etc.
- Counterama # 27
- Namerama
- Announcerama (see Comments)
- YHC took us out in Prayer
- Creativity is the spice of life! And part of being DTH is bringing new flavor to the RVA PAX …if nothing else it makes for some great mumble chatter! Really proud of you guys posting in the wet gloom and leaving it all out there! Thanks and credit to Hardywood for the Nancy Kerrigans – a great workout AND just damn funny. YHC always enjoys new material, but was particularly excited for today’s Tea Party Twists… turns out doing them on your own is both ridiculously hard and F2-less. Will wait to call those next time when there are even numbers. Our FNG for the day is Mason Adams who’s into photography and cards – original F3 name of SNUFF brought the PAX to tears, but powers that remain unnamed have steered YHC to providing him the nickname HOUDINI. Welcome!!! As always, it is my greatest honor and pleasure leading and becoming stronger alongside you guys. SYITG!
– Have an old basketball you’re not using? Give it to Sippy Cup and he’ll transform your donation into a Man-making Medicine Ball!
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Great Q DTH!! Enjoyed partnering with Swirly and Vinny! DTH can you update my name in the PAX list ? You wrote Split instead of Spit.
Well done today DTH! I did not expect to circle up twice. Everything was hard. Thanks for partnering with me Vinny and Honeydo.