Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Parts Unknown


A rather balmy morning (compared to the last few) greeted the nine redwoods that gathered in the Bettie Weaver parking lot. Some knew YHC had the Q, others were flying blind. Loose Goose was just happy it wasn’t a Murph day.


Mosey to the left down James River Road to the delight of some that were afraid we were headed to Twin Team. At the first sight of an approaching car, stop for a quick COP of SSH, Helicopters, Peter Parkers, Shoulder Taps and HRMs.

Continue down the road to the little lot in front of the school, 4 rounds of burp in a box in the handicap spots. 1 burpee, run a lap, 2 burpees, run a lap, up to 4. This is much better with more spots but quick stops was today’s theme. Next up the bus parking lot for a Lab Rat special, giant parking lot tracers.

4 corners at the seldom used tennis courts with 10 merkins, 20 WWII, 30 MH, 40 Plank Jacks. Hit the mosey again around the back of the school. Pull up bar Morning Call. All PAX plank – 1 man does 5 pullups and on his count the others to merkins. Go through until everyone has a turn. Over the river and through the woods to other hidden pull up bars for Cindy. Yep, she’s back. 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats – run to the sidewalk and back. Repeato for about 5 rounds.

Mosey toward the playground, with a brief stop for YHC to determine that the dugout hill was a little dark for what YHC wanted to do. Playground it is where Tobit pointed out that there are yet more pull up bars. Triple check – Dead Hang, Freddies, run the track straightaway. 30 second dead hang is harder than it sounds. Mosey back to the flag and finish with burpees until 45 minutes was up (about 10 seconds). You paid for 45 minutes, that what you’ll get when I’ve got the Q.


What a great morning. After the last few days in the low 20s this felt great. The goal today was to show some of the PAX all of the things that are at Twin Team that we don’t get to much. We all know the hill, track, parking lots but did you know there were so many pull up bars. Consensus was we don’t do enough, or at least the consensus in my mind. Apologies to the Dark Rider aka Mouse Trap, maybe a little more running than he wanted but he managed to modify to avoid hurting too bad. Excellent work today, it was a pleasure to lead you fine gentlemen through the gloom. Have a great Friday.


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  1. Who knew 35 degrees would feel so good?!

    Great Q this morning Rosie!…enjoyed the tour…way too many rarely used spots at Twin Team. And I agree, we need more pull ups. I’m gonna look into a Twin Team Q that includes both running Twin Team hill and pull ups (that should be big crowd pleaser).

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  2. It felt great out this morning. Awesome Q, Rosie. And thanks for spotting my weak kebab on the pull-ups.

  3. Sorry to miss this. Personally, I love the “parts unknown” of Twin Team much more than its namesake. Although, I’m not a fan of so many pull ups.

    Note to self – avoid Tobit Qs at TT for foreseeable future.