Nine, count them nine warriors rose from the gloom to greet the dawn of a new day. Despite chilly metroplex temps, it was 70 and sunny at W Dog. According to legend it went a little something like this.
COP: SSH X 20, IW X 20, WWII X 15, FC X 20, HRM X 20, Arm Circle X 1
Mosey to Triangle of Success:
- Round 1 – Bear Crawl to first corner and complete 10 decline shoulder tap merkins. Run to second corner complete 10 burpees. Bernie Sanders to third corner for 10 WWII.
- Round 2 – Crawl Bear to first corner for 15 decline shoulder tap merkins. Run to second corner complete 10 burpees. Bernie Sanders to third corner for 15 Captain Thors.
- Round 3 – Bear Crawl to first corner for 20 incline shoulder tap merkins. Run to second corner for 10 burpees. Bernie Sanders to third corner for 100 LBC.
Mosey to Rusty Cage
- 5 pullups, 5 chinups, 5 pullups, 5 chinups **Swirly and Handshake got in an extra round.
- 3 rounds X 7 partner Jerkins.
Mosey to Amphitheatre and partner up
- One partner runs to top and completes 20 shoulder tap merkins
- Second partner does an exercise and awaits return. The exercises were flutter kicks and Freddie Mercurys.
Mosey Back To Flag
- Numberama, namerama, the greatness that is Bodos took us out.
- The New Years Day convergence is looking for a hero and a leader.
- Oyster has put up a Winter Tour schedule
The name of the BB came from a talk that Donald Miller gave. He mentioned his personal theme was “after you”. He said it kept his ego in check and was a simple way to make sure that he was being a servant leader and constantly thinking of others. It’s a good reminder for YHC for the kind of guy I want to be.
Thanks for putting in a monster effort today. Make it a great one fellas.
Dig a little deeper and get it all out.
Outstanding job today fellas. Way to put in a big effort here. I couldn’t thank you enough for showing up, rising up and getting it done.
Strong Q Hardywood
Way to work guys !
Row The Boat !
See y’all in the gloom….
Great Q as always Hardywood!
Hardy wood, thanks for taking the Q as I had to be out of town today. Owe you one! Cheers, CB