Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Shorter than Advertised

baseball player standing on bucket talking to tall reporter

Eleven 12 Days of Christmas dodgers huddled, backs to the lake, to avoid the lake effect wind. Today was YHCs gift to the PAX, extra miles to push ourselves heading into the holiday season. After BT confused Saab with references to Bavaria, YHC gave instructions, which went something like this:

The Route
Everyone head over the bridge in front of the Commons, left up towards the Chapel and right on UR drive. Continue to River, left on River, cut through the shopping center, right on Huguenot and across the bridge. Loop around to Riverside, left on Riverside, right towards Flatwater, left on Riverside.

4 milers – continue on Riverside and turn around at Rivercrest for an advertised 4.5 mile route.

5 milers – continue on Riverside until it turns to Hickory. Stop when you get to Cherokee and return the same way for an advertised 5.5 mile route.

6 milers – continue across Cherokee, right on Rustic. Left when that ends, left when that ends, left when that ends and return via Hickory and Riverside for an advertised 6.5 mile route.

Numbers, names, pause for a brief announcement from Saab (that never came) and then YHC took us out.

YHC wanted to push it a little this morning so apologies to the PAX for dragging you along my desire to do more. Pushing beyond our normal distances is good from time to time to see what you body, and mind, can tolerate.

Routes were a little shorter than advertised but still longer than normal. A feat not often realized by the PAX today.

Lockjaw has the Q for RAMM Friday. What could he have in store???



  1. Splinter stuck us with a long one this morning…

    keeping up with the 6.5ers had me wishing for intervals.

    Next time please don’t tell us about the extra length until afterwards. I prefer not to know until after the ordeal is over.