6 swarthy guys showed up to climb the escalator om this chilly morning.
Mosey slalom around the buses and down to the blacktop with the states for the COP
COP — Copperhead Squats, DQ’s. Arm Circles, Hip Circles, Imperial Walkers, Jack Squats, Plank Jack Merkins, Dollys
The Escalator —
1 person at each station
First person does 10 KB thrusters, then runs the loop and relieves the last person in line, who moves up and relieves the next person, etc. Other exercises in the stations included Jump Rope, American hammers, WW2’s Mountain Climbers, Hillbillies 🙂
Next time around the timer does 15 KB thrusters, YHC called time after 2 PAX had done 20.
Collect things and head back to where we started.
10 minutes of burpees — Pick a number between 6 and 10 and do that number of burpees. Rest time when you are done until the minute is up, then start again.
Numbers, Names, Announcements, etc.
NMS — Great job done by all! Best Jump ropers of the day were pretty much everyone except YHC, although YHC did get one double under in the last go round. Jump Rope sucks, but it is so good for the body. Thanks for coming out!
1 Comment
Great workout Opus! Nice balance for all muscle groups, and my spleen is still sore.