Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No snow but down hill slalom at Twin Team


11 skiers looking for some down hill action in the cold weather at Twin Team. Here is what went down and up and then back down again.

Mosey to the back of the ES for COP on the basketball court

DQ’s, Helicopters, Jazersizes, Hip stretchers, Heals to Heaven and LBC’s

Recover to mosey and PAX notices that YHC has dropped some trinkets from his pocket. YHC may have made a remark about needing the trinkets for Twin Team. Lots of mumble chatter about how we should make a right turn and head toward the HS rather than the inevitable hill.

Stop at the monkey bars to stretch the arms out but found the metal bars too slick to really waist our time on

Mosey to the bottom of the circle at the hill

A YHC favorite Man Killers to get the calves going and get the cardio ready

To the top of the hill YHC dropping eight glow stick trinkets along the way on the left then on the right, on the left and then on the right

At the top let the PAX know this will not be a Twin Team suicide but we will have some fun in a slalom skiing type down hill workout. Twin Team has eight letters and there are eight glow sticks on the hill. As we head down stop and do 10 sets of the exersize that fits the letter from Twin Team. T = Tempo Merkins, W = Imperial Walkers, I = Incline Merkins, N = I have Idea call it LBC’s, T = Tempo Merkins again, E = SSH’s (why not), A = (?) and M = Merkins

YHC will do a better job planning out the letter to match the exercise next time.

Get to the bottom, get in line and ride the chair back to the top. We couldn’t find a chair so we made our own (indigenous people run)

Back down picking up the trinkets on the way down

At the flag Merkin ring of fire

Numbers / Names

YHC took us out in a little different way asking the PAX to lay on their backs and look at the world in a different way. YHC has had a very humbling experience with low income and had to depend on the government for assistance for a little while. The reason why I did this was not to ask for help for me and my family, God has provided. Its to say low income, poverty hunger is not an intercity only problem it live near you, if you look in a different way you may find the opportunity to help.


Not a lot to say, we almost had to rename Hermes and Nancy Lopez today. YHC was waiting to hear Hermes toss his Marlowe durring the run back to the top but Upchuck is already taken. Nancy Lopez could be renamed Speedy Gonzales or Stair Climber for his run from the back to the front of the line on the steepest part of Twin Team.


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