Nine redwoods attended SOT for a morning workout by YHC. Here’s how it went down:
Mosey to bottom parking lot. SSH, Don Q, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Freddie, Hillbillies
Mosey to track: Love Track. Similar to love hill only on a track. Partner up. Partner one runs around track to point of beginning and then returns back to where partner two is. Partner two does BLIMP – burpee broad jumps, lunges, imperial squat walkers and polar bears – until Partner One returns. Switch. Finish at end/beginning line, one time around track.
Ring of Fire – 10 merkins.
Mosey to bleachers – lindsays. dips, run across field, reverse crunches.
Mosey to base of hill – triple check. peoples chair, WWII situps, run up hill.
Return to flag.
Great work men! YHC thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie this morning, and the first time to lead in a while. Some grunts and maybe swear words were heard from the PAX during Love Track. YHC knows this is better than chattiness and laughing. The BLIMP was performed not in a row as usual, like 5 Bs, 10 Ls, 15 IMs, 20 Ps, but rather broad jump until partner two returns, then next round lunge until partner returns. In retrospect that first broad jump burpee was long and painful. Everyone completed the task at hand with vigor!
Congrats to POG, Circle and Lug completing their respective 1/2 marathons.
Next Tuesday at No Toll for TYA, be there.
Turkey day at Mumford, 6:00 AM.
Black Friday loops at Forest Hill Park.
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