Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Moonlit Monday


Under a full moon, a PAX of five posted for the most recent Punisher. The Holton E.S. parking lot was almost full when YHC arrived, but mostly due, apparently, to evening parent-teacher conferences in the building. We moseyed out of the lot and under the oak trees for the start-up PentagonOP with 28 x Imaginary Jump Ropes (corrected Honey Do), 15 x Don Quixotes, 15 x Hillbillies, 10 x Susan Somers (each side), 15 x Alabama Prom Dates, and 10 x Arm Circles (big only, forward, then reverse).

Move near the school’s security light for 10 minute exercise sequence. Start with 3 x Burpees and follow with 15 x Side Straddle Hops and recover for the rest of the minute. Realizing there was too much time left in the minute, we made slight adjustments. After round 3, increased Burpees per minute to 5. After round 1, increased SSHs to 20, and then to 25 after about round 3. Finished most rounds with 5 / 25 reps.

Mosey to the back playground. Pull Up on the bars and hold for five seconds then drop and complete 10 x Box Cutters. Plank until all are done. Repeat. Five total rounds.

Jog around to the outdoor classroom. Complete 20 x Dips followed by 20 x Bench Kicks. Reverse Plank on bench (upright Dip position). Repeat. Three rounds.

Saunter to the school wall, also well lit by another security light, for another 10 minute sequence with 5 x Donkey Kicks followed by 10 x Merkins. Hop up and finish the minute in People’s Chair. Ten rounds completed.

Drop to the nearby ground for Crunch medley – 25 x Regular, 25 x Right Leg Straight, 25 x Left Leg Straight, 25 x Reverse Crunches, and 25 x Both Legs Straight. Stretch for a few. Hop up and COT in place and YHC took us out.

Great to see you guys. Immediate data credit, Dial Up. Thanks for the rolling Merkin count, Offshore. Good seeing you Honey Do and the beard appears to be coming in nicely. Get some sleep EF Hutton. Have a good week.


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  1. Did a double take when I saw this backblast was up. Great workout Chum. Shocking how hard Suzanne Somers are after 2 reps.