Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“I feel the need … for speed”


Seven gloom warriors posted for an SOJ run by the river. YHC had something a little different in mind, and it went like this:

Mosey from Bettie Weaver ES to the JRHS track (.5 mi)

400 x 3 easy on the straights, striders on the turns (90% effort, long strides)
400 x 1 recovery

400 x 3 easy on the turns, striders on the straights
400 x 1 recovery

400 x 3 increasing tempo (70%, 80%, 90%)
400 x 1 recovery

5 and 6 milers repeat until 06:10…

Mosey back to BWES (.5 mi)


Many thanks to the PAX for getting it done this morning. That 90% lap sucked big time, but at least the track was flat!

Good luck to Lugnut with the Las Vegas half marathon


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  1. I will be sick, dead or otherwise occupied next time I see Doublemint as the River Run Q.

    Great change of pace today…pun intended.

    Lug – you are going to rock the half. Enjoy it brother. Safe travels.