Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

5 Strong at 5am/5am is the new 5:30am/We are all Baptists at 5am


YHC couldn’t choose just one title this morning, so you get three.

5 early risers posted at a new location (River Road Church – Baptist) at a new time (5am) to test out something different this morning in the gloom. After EF Hutton found the right parking lot and Splinter, HoneyDo and Bodos made their way in, this is what went down.

Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for:


SSH’s x 20

Helicopters x 15

Russian Soldiers x 10

Don Quixote’s x 10

Jazzercises x 10

let’s mosey!

Kubota Q:

Head south down Ridge Road to the bottom and turn around and start back uphill with a Lindsey

Merkins and V-Ups/Squats 30/10 25/15 20/20 15/25 10/30

In between sets, travel up Ridge using the following means of transportation: High Knees, Butt Kickers, Russian Soldier walk, Bernie Sanders, Bear Crawl.

Toss Potato to HoneyDo:

Mosey up Ridge a ways, stop and complete 25 WW2’s

Mosey back up to parking lot and commence with stations:

Station 1 – Overhead Press with Ruck Sack

Station 2 – Lawn Mower pulls with Kettlebell

Station 3 – Flutter Kicks

Station 4 – Kettlebell swings

Station 5 – Burpees

Two rounds of stations

Toss Potato to Splinter:

Saunter over River Road to the wall behind the church and perform “walking balls to the wall.” Line up in balls to the wall form and hand walk to the left along the wall.  LOL!

Mosey around the back of the church to the big parking lot and at each white post (there were several), perform 5 jump squats. Bear crawl in between each post. Turn around and do it again, except 5 hand release merkins at each post and lunge in between.

Head back to the VSF for:

Numberama, Namearama, Announcements and YHC took us out!


Please keep Honeydo’s in-laws in your prayers. His Father-in-Law had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Stache for Cash is coming to an end tomorrow night at Midnight! The goal has not been reached yet! Please donate!

Bodos’ Dogpile VQ is this Saturday! Be there!


YHC had reached out to the Tuckahoe PAX last week to see if there was any interest in a 5am Wednesday boot camp since YHC cannot get out at 5:30-6:15am anymore during the week due to M’s work schedule and 2.0’s school schedule. There was lots of feedback, but the feedback was all over the place. HoneyDo texted YHC yesterday morning and said that he would workout with YHC at River Road Church – Baptist at 5am. It was extra special to have Splinter, Bodos and EF Hutton post as well! Thanks for indulging me. This is definitely in the testing stages. Location may change, stay tuned.

Have a great day!



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  1. Good stuff Kubota. I didn’t know what to do with myself being done with a workout at 545am. I kind of stood there in the parking lot so i didn’t get back too quickly and wake up everyone.

    Glad you went immediately off campus to leave all that virgin territory for Honeydo and myself. I actually named the walking BTTW, “Balls to the Crawl”. It was fun and may have to mix that in some more in the future.

  2. After a couple of months off, you’re not going to give yourself big data credit?

    I went home, showered, back to bed for an hour, then still got to work on time.

  3. Happy to have 5 of us out there. Way to skip the foreplay and take us straight down Ridge Kubota.
    Balls to the Crawl almost turned into dominos as I nearly fell over on the turn in the wall.

  4. Fun times guys! Although I totally just fell asleep at my desk. Waking up an extra 30 min earlier might be a bit much for me (although I did stay up too late watching the Nats game….). Great to be out there with you trying something new.

  5. Love this idea as the early middle school is schedule is screwing me up too. I will show up. Any SOJ guys interested in 5-5:45 or 5:15-6:00 workout on the right side of the Rivah, let me know.