NoToll was honored this morning with a 21 gun salute as the F3 banner was raised declaring “Come One, Come All, No Shoes required…” Here’s how we fired off:
Mosey to Field for COP #1:
- Welcome & F3 Disclaimer
- Smurf Jacks x20 IC
- DonQ’s x10 IC
- Hydraulic Squats x10 IC
- Hairy Rockettes x10 IC
- Hydraulic Planks x10 IC
- Slow FreddieM’s x10 IC
- DR.W’s x10 IC
Line up at side of Field for COP #2:
- Merkin/DryDock Ladder (20M, Sprint across field, 19CDD, sprint back, 18M, Sprint across, 17CDD, etc-ouch-etc)
- ABC’s for the SIX
Indian Run around Back Fields to Pavilion for COP #3:
- Walls of Jericho – run x7 laps around the Pavilion, completing x7 burpees after each lap, then give a Victory yell at the end
- ROSIE led Plankorama for the SIX
Remain at Pavilion for COP #4:
- PARTNER UP to complete x3 sets of each exercise – x20 Reps each partner
- Hail Mary’s – P1 Dips on Bench w Feet on back of planking P2
- Boxing Cockroaches
- Partner Plank Curls
Mosey BTTF for COT:
- Counterama #21
- Namerama
- Announcerama (see Comments)
- YHC took us out in Prayer
- Even before the clock struck 0530 the morning began in great humor with Don Draper showing up in Adidas slides, trying to bow out of the workout, but then choosing to man up and join us anyway. RESPECT! Excellent numbers continue to show for NoToll, and the PAX was hungry today for something challenging – seems the Merkin Ladder satisfied that need, only then to be followed by more Burpees than any of us wanted to do, and partner workouts which (per DK) required soft hands… :-0 …overall GREAT WORK today gents – it’s an honor as always to serve up a good time.
Only a couple days left to donate to RAISE and see Gumbo & Vinny rock the Stache all Movember (
Great Q this morning. A solid beat down for sure. Kudos to Draper for hanging with us…thank goodness for the “carpet” that no toll provides.
Have a great day, Gents.
Damn – can’t believe I missed Fiona coming back. Had to put on my tutor hat early this morning for some 6th grade math…would have much preferred some burpees but maybe not 49.
Well done men!
We are close to our goal for Raise. I think we only need another $750 or maybe less. Even just $20 a man would go a long way toward getting us there. It is for a great cause…two actually: 1) Support Lab Rat’s M and her charity and all the great work they are doing at Raise and 2) Give Vinny and Gumbo an excuse to grow some great mustaches over the next 45 days…I’ll sign a Gumbo Sweater-Vest Porn-stache Portrait for each man who contributes. Thanks!