9 almost able bodies showed up to what was supposed to be a boot camp at Twin Team but ended up more like a Monday morning River Run.
Here is somewhat, how it went down.
Mosey to the playground basketball court, DQ’s, Cherry Pickers, Jassersize, Helicopters, Merkins and LBC’s not exactly in that order
Short Mossey down past ball fields stop in front of stadium
Man Killers
Short mosey behind JRHS by tennis courts
Various exercises stopping at each light pole from stadium to opposite end of JRHS back parking lot
Long Mosey trough park, stop outside the indoor outhouses
Find a 4X4 post that suites your fancy and do 20 Incline Merkins
Mosey to the back playground for a triple check
Partner 1 run the perimeter, partner 2 use the V of the swing set to do pull ups, partner 3 dips after first round audible was called and pull ups where changed to incline or decline merkins (your choice). Loose Goose chose to go Rogue and get in some Jerkins
Long Mosey back to flag stopping twice for various exercises and let the 6 catch their breath
End with a Merkin ring of fire
Back to the flag
Numbers/names Mouse Trap took us out
What usually happens when YHC gets the Q and doesn’t really prepare or write out a binki – We Run and run and run, so today we Ran
Thanks to all the guys for breaking out the headlamps and giving the park playground a shot. YHC was not going to take us there because he didn’t figure everyone would have light but you guys crushed it by proving him wrong. If anyone was wondering what that big bright light was that cast a shadow over the entire East coast between 5:30 and 6:15 this morning, it wasn’t an early sunrise or the first sign of the Apocalypse. It was Gumbo with his head lamp.
Good work guys, its been a minute from Q to Q
Good work Doozy!
Heads up for anyone interested in getting some more strength work in: I’m going to be testing out a Kettle Bell workout this coming Monday morning at Midlothian Middle (aka Source of Truth) at 5:30 sharp. Being your own KB.
This may be a good opportunity for SOJ guys who are working through some injuries or just don’t like distance running (sorry River Run regulars). We’ll try it once and see if there’s interest in continuing.
If you want to come and don’t have a kettle bell, let me know and we might be able to find you one to borrow (I know some guys have extras).