Who says we can’t take a little pride in Big Data?! Celebrating a year in F3, 12 veteran brothers joined DTH at WDog to say otherwise!
Mosey to 1st Grass Circle for COP #1:
- F3 welcome & disclaimer
- Imperial Squat Walkers x10 IC
- Don Drapers x10 IC
- No Cheat Merkins x10 IC
- DTH’s x10 IC —> Like DR.W’s, but 8-ct order is starting with hallelujah Dolly then Toe Touch (full sit up to reach & touch toes) then back on six for Heels to Heaven …there’s a rhythm I swear!
Mosey to 2nd Grass Circle for COP #2:
- Partner up for an Anniversary DTH Dora
- Exercises: 41 Burpees, 172 Groiners, 365 American Hammers (2-ct)
- Timer course: Polar Bear across top of triangle, Run down hill, Bernie up hill
- LIFO Butterfly joined us near the end
Mosey to Amphitheater for COP #3:
- Ascending 4×4’s – Complete x1 rep bottom, bear crawl to top, complete x2 reps at top, run to bottom…continue up to 5 reps. (4×4 = Start standing arms raised, drop to plank, complete x4 merkins, complete x4 2-count Mtn Climbers, jump back up and clap hands overhead)
- ABC’s at bottom for the SIX
Mosey BTTF:
- Pusherama Drill: Circle up and perform hallelujah high knees, interrupted by each man in turn calling a different Merkin type – with PAX dropping to complete x5 merkins each time – variety included: Dive Bombers, Standard M’s, ChuckN Merkins, Werkins, Diamond Merkins, Shoulder Tap, Carolina Dry Docks, HitchHikers, HandRelease Merkins, etc
- Close out with 1 min of SSH in cadence
- Counterama #12
- Namerama
- Announcerama (see Comments)
- YHC took us out in Prayer
- A little over a year ago, Dr Ted Henderson had a fever, and while he didn’t know it at the time, F3RVA was the only prescription! The good Doctor was reborn on Sept 25 2018 at NoToll for Ollivander’s VQ, and has wholeheartedly embraced his new identity as Dr TryHard. YHC observed and enjoyed participating in F3 for the first few months, but a new fire was beginning to burn inside – a desire to Q workouts, ideas about making t-shirts with our F3 names on the back, and starting up a new AO in Bon Air. But still being the new guy and barely knowing the lingo, YHC assumed a new F3 guy should keep his mouth shut and follow the experienced guys. That all changed when YHC found a copy of “Freed to Lead” sitting out at ET’s, and finished it the same weekend. Wow! Whatta great read. YHC was beginning to understand… F3 is what you make of it! This model also appealed to YHC’s Faith in Jesus Christ, following a similar pattern of a personal choice to be refined by fire, resulting in a hardening of purpose and faith, a strength that ultimately serves your neighbor. After reading “Freed to Lead”, YHC felt immediately authorized to take the initiative with F3. YHC printed and studied copies of the Lexicon and Exicon, memorizing the lingo, highlighting new routines that appeared interesting, and YHC began to Q on a regular basis, eliciting many a raised eyebrow at some of the non-traditional exercises. The rest is history, Q’ing 41 times of 172 posts, facilitating named F3RVA shirts, starting The Forge, headlocking close to 20 FNG’s into joining our ranks, and finding new avenues for F2 with poker nights. And all of this because of brothers like YOU, who have encouraged, challenged, and followed DTH into the gloom. What a blessing you all are!!! Thank you for giving YHC this identity, these opportunities to lead and serve, to push YHC harder than ever conceivably possible. You have YHC’s undying loyalty and DTH will always be ready to help in your time of need. Just like Jesus said… “Try Hard or Die Tryin!” …or something like that. 🙂
– Hitchhiker VQ tomorrow at 45MOM
– IronPax Week #4 this Friday at both TwinTeam & the Creek (see Preblast for location/details)
– PuppyPile this Saturday (VQ for SlipinJimmy!)
– Keep our brothers in prayer: Viral, BT, Kryptonite, and others
DTH – LOVE your level of engagement! You are exactly what F3 RVA needs. Just wann know how long your gonna celebrate the 1 year? All week, the month……just checking! lol
Haha – thx Wilson – yes, you can continue celebrating with me every day this week – Q’ing Forge tomorrow, TwinTeam Fri, and Dogpile Sat.
Happy Anniversary ! Solid Q and BB !
Way to work guys!
See y’all in the gloom…
Great Q DTH – Happy Anniversary and glad to be a part of your week at WDOG…See you in the Gloom gents!…CB