Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

As Cool As the Other Side of the Pillow


On a beautiful mid 50s morning, 10 able bodied fitness champions showed up to Mary for a beatdown. It went like this:

COP – 10 Don Quixotes (Saab style), 10 arm circles, 20 side straddle hops and 20 LBCs

Exercise 1: Merkin run, run as a group – do 10 merkins when ordered. Did 60 merkins total. Two female joggers were able to witness the magnificence of some of our merkins but somehow kept their composure and went past us. Mosey to the field.

Exercise 2A: Fireman’s carry across the field run back

Exercise 2B: Wheelbarrow halfway down the field, bear crawl back

Exercise 2C: Lunge halfway down the field, crawl bear back. Mosey to tennis courts

Exercise 3: Modified Doras: 75 Burpees, 150 Carolina Dry Docks, 225 2 count flutter kicks. Mosey to chin up/monkey bars

Exercise 4: While planked up, each PAX does 2 sets of 5 chin ups. While waiting the PAX planked, did merkins and tricep dips. The arms were feeling good by the end of this.

Finished by doing more arm circles and Fireman closed in prayer.


Prayers are with Helix and his family, Wojo and his family and for Viral to get better.

This Saturday is the big campout in Amelia. See Vinny for details if you are interested. TYA is leading Dogpile this Saturday. Tater has his first Q at Gridiron this Saturday and Hitchhiker is doing his first Q at Mary on 9/26.

The weather was fantastic making me think of the Stuart Scott saying, hence the above title.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good Q Fireman Ed.
    Way to work guys
    Beautiful morning for a workout .
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Great Q Fireman Ed! You definitely have the Goldeye Bond villain leg squeeze down with the partner carries! It had been a while since I carried you last but it was easy to remember!