Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Testing the limits of the 2nd core principle of F3


Fourteen strong came out to play under the full moon and see how the moonlight would fare against F3RVA’s darkest AO:

COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, 6 Don Qs, 7 Merkins, 13 Flutterkicks, 3 Helicopters. Mosey to the field. Partner up: 5 Rounds of: Run field, 5 Pullups while other man does Donkey Kicks.

Stay on field for schoolyard curb crawl sans the curbs: Bear Crawl between soccer goal, 1 Burpee, Lunge back, 2 Burpees. Alternate up to 6. Partner up again for 3 rounds of: 30 Boxing Roaches.

Down to Triple check corner for namesake exercise: B2W, Reverse Crunches, & run loop. Head to parking lot. Around the parking arrows of the lot: 5 HRMs each arrow, crab walk between arrows. Back to Flag, YHC took us out.

NMS: YHC loves the openness of this group and F3’s principle of “Workouts are open to all men” but the PAX were wary when a fully loaded clown car Mazda Miata gunned it into the parking lot at 5:25. Ronnie emerged behind the wheel and Lockjaw appeared from the passenger seat. Ronnie is quite proud of his 03 Miata with 20k miles. However Lockjaw did not leave with Ronnie at the end. Many a good laugh was had before we got going.

The PAX spent most of the time on the field as the moonlight on the usual pitch black area was too good to pass up. Loose Goose had to bail soon in as he was not feeling well, he’s taking the 0-2 Steelers loss yesterday really hard. YHC wanted to cut down on the bear crawl at the end so switched to Crab Walk but the combo of that & HRMs burned out the shoulders.

Strong PAX and numbers this morning, back to normal at Hoedown.

Announcements: 5 Yr Anniversary led TYA beatdown at Dogpile this Saturday, retreat after.


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  1. Shoulders are smoked for sure. Nice work Honeydo. Can alway count on you for an entertaining and difficult Q.

  2. Seems like there’s a science behind silent assassination. The combo lunge/bear crawl and crabwalk/ DRM crushed my legs and shoulders.

    While doing BTTW it’s bad if you fart and feel something run up your back, right? Pretty sure was just sweat.

  3. Sorry I had to depart early… after arriving late. Didn’t feel well at all this morning, hopefully on the upswing.

    The Miata is hilarious — we literally saw one of those on the interstate have to pull under a bridge in the rain to put the top up. I turned to the M and said, “serves him right for driving a Miata!”

  4. I want to thank my F3 brothers for their acceptance of my life choices. Splinter will ride in the Miata. Mark my words.

    Great Q HoneyDo.

    Ronnie out.

  5. I agree with Splinter, you can always count on Honeydo to mix things up.

    Ronnie, congratulations for you doing you.