Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Last Ball & Chain for the Summer Tour


OOOps YHC knows that there where 10 beastmasters that posted at Batteau this morning but due to operator error with the phone YHC doesn’t have all the F3 names. Please respond to this post if you know who is missing and YHC will add them or you.

5:30 Mosey to Pickle ball court for COP

Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Scissor Kicks, LBC’s,

Mosey down the path to the stone landing circle up for Man Killers

Mosey to the bottom of the hill (10) Burpies, Mosey around the lake stopping at each light for an add a burpie. First light one burpie, second light two Burpies and figure out the pattern. YHC did not plan this exercise but Sippy Cup helped me figure out how many Burpies we would do on the fly, last light equaled 10 Burpies.

Al Gore for the 6, up the hill we go. Butt Kickers to the light, High knees to the next light, Lunges to the 3rd light and reverse Lunges to a random tree. Mosey the rest of the way to the top of the hill to find a Ball, a chain and 8 exercises to work on.

Each exercise X10 when complete run half way down the hill do 5 merkins head back up the hill. The Ball or Chain gets a free pass on the merkins.

Crab Cakes, WWII, Squats, Merkins, Ball or Chain, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, Carolina Dry Docks, LBC,s

A few finished some got called early for time, head back to the flag.

Numbers, Names, YHC took us out


Convergence – Labor day – 7:00 – Timberwolf, Puppy Pile this Saturday, September Camping trip


Thanks Sippy cup for being the Co-Q this morning, keeping my count and providing the light to stay on the path.

YHC does apologize to the PAX for dropping the ball as the camera operator today.

YHC also has to clear up a post workout conversation. I did not Q the ball and Chain at every AO on the summer tour only 3 of the 4 nano regions. I couldn’t use it at Twin Team because they where in my car which was in the shop.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Strong workout Doozy – well done !
    Way to work guys.
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. I enjoyed the Ball and Chain, Doozy. Way to keep the heart rates up for the entire time.

  3. Doozy! Way to work brotha. This was an abolute smokefest. I hope/dread the B&C will make another appearance. Very well done and great job to the crew this morning. Goldberg described this mornings weather as a grundle maker. That must be a medical term because I had never heard it, but if it means super humid then he’s right on the money.