Friday, September 20
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

And BT makes 7


Seven strong brought their Kettlebells to Manndate for a Summer Tour Q. Temps of 74 with high humidity made for ample sweat once we did:

COP: SSH, Hairy Rocketts, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutterkics.

Grab KBs and mosey to back of school: Lunge around Bus loop, stopping every 20 Lunges for 10 Merkins Rows, finish with 30 KB Swings. Find some grass for Boat & Canoe. Over to benches: 4 rounds of: 10 Step Ups (w-KB) then 15 Lawnmowers. Back to grass – 15 Sit & Press.

Head to front of school: Run loop, then 3 sets of: 15 Pullovers & 10 Skull Crushers. 20 Overhead press, then 30 more KB Swings. Finish with some Mary. Chewy took us out.

NMS – YHC hit the DaVille area for 2nd straight day, hoping for even numbers. Upon arrival Trout came in at 5:22 then Corned Beef who took the remaining 5 minutes before 5:30 to park. COP started with 6 and YHC was happy since we had some good partner stuff planned. However BT came in hot during our SSH to make it 7, a dreaded prime number.

The Merkin Rows & Lunges took very long but got us warmed up. YHC did not remember the benches we used, are those new? Step Ups with KBs make for more fun. Mudface was not much for Mumblechatter this morning, he did fill the air with other means though.

Safe Travels to Corned Beef on your drive to FL today. Prayers for Helix’s daughter and Doozy on his job search.

Thanks for letting this West Ender lead this morning.


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  1. Great to see you HD and I should learn from BT just pull in to park! Plan to do an off the books workout later this weekend. Have a great week gents!

  2. Big Tennessee on

    Starting to dig my time north of the wall with my Davillians, fellas! Great Q, HD!