Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Egg Toss


Bullseye and YHC were discussing how much we missed Orange Crush and DK in the gloom after SOT yesterday so we took it upon ourselves to hit them up with some light EHing. Bullseye offered the ride and I may have tempted OC with the lure of reliving Field Day glory with an egg toss. Alas no egg toss but is was enough to get them both out to enjoy some perfect weather in the gloom. Sunny and 70 is nice but with the way I sweat, 60 sounds much better.

0530 hits and Flange was still cleaning his truck or something but Garmin Mean time governs so we took off in a direction he could keep us in sight. Over to the tennis courts for a warm up, partly In Conversation because, DK. DQ, Helicopters, Angle Grinders (it’s a new one for most but a good one) and LBCs.

Mosey over to the track for some Lindsays. Rounds of 30-10, 25-15, 20-20, 15-25, 10-30 with a 100m run in between each round to end where we started. 4 rounds for a full mile, exercises were: Merkins/Squats, Mtn Climber/Ball Dippers, CDD/Monkey Humpers, SSH/Imperial Walkers (PAX choice, DK bailed on his original Arm Circles choice for SSH and YHC gave Bullseye a choice since he’s nursing a back injury). Apparently he was afraid we’d look too much like Cat Burglars.

The field at Timberwolf is in as good a shape as NoToll with higher cut grass. Couldn’t stay off of that so we took a slow mosey to the middle for some EMOM Burpees – First minute 6 add 1 each minute up to 10. Back to the parking lot for some Mary – FM, AH and Dollies.


Great to have OC and DK back out, although DK says he has posted but vacations and Summer Tour has had AOs with varying numbers all over RVA. Sorry to OC for the lure of the egg toss but I’m pretty sure he would have shown up without it. Today’s message, reach out to that guy that you haven’t seen in a while and offer a ride to an AO. Sometimes all you need is a little push and that’s what F3 is about. The DaVille/Atlee/Hanover directions saga is entertaining to say the least, nothing like trusting Google Maps. It was mentioned to one of the IT gurus but we might want to keep it purely for the entertainment value. Good to see Sonic hitting another AO after getting used to things at NoToll. Cerrano and Hermie represented New Market with tourists, travelers and vacationers spreading their numbers thin.

Carytown coffeeteria was excellent 2nd F although the customer service could use some help. I think even the ladies at OTB could teach them a few things and that’s saying something, just ask Wilson. Thanks for the energy balls DK.


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1 Comment

  1. Great Q, Rosie! I came in hot like Barney Rubble this morning, bare feet! So, I had to get socks and shoes on, although, a bare foot workout could have easily been accomplished on that plush field. Thanks for not straying too far for the warmup.

    Great to see everyone! Enjoy the day!