You would think there’d be at least one New Market veteran to welcome DTH to his first Twolf Q, but I suppose summer tour, vacations, and the general fear of a DTH beatdown was enough to keep them away. Admittedly YHC was second guessing Google Maps on finding the right address, but then a neonLED-lit cyclist pulled up to to YHC idling car. YHC asked, “hey where do we park around here?”, and SCAR replied “no idea, first time here”. Then whilst getting acquainted with the man, Double Mint pulled up with his shiny Mercedes, and gave the same answer. So we decided the side of the school would be fine, and planted the DTH Forge SF. We took our time stretching and talking about F3, but without any obvious late-comers, YHC said “OK, let’s have a look around’l
Mosey around the entire back half of the area, noting SCAR left his bike light on, the loop brought us back to where we started. YHC gave the usual F3 greeting and disclaimer, and we moseyed to the front of the school for COP #1:
- YHC promptly pulled out the F3 deck to see what the good Lord had in store:
- Carolina Dry Dock x10 IC
- Plank Jack x25 IC
- WWII x10 IC
- Burpee x25 OYO
- Bernie Sanders 75 yrds & back
Mosey to bus loop for COP #2:
- HRMerkin x10 IC
- High Plank x90sec
- Diamond Merkin x10 OYO
- Calf Raises x100 OYO
- Hand Clap Merkin x10 OYO
Mosey to Bball Court for COP #3:
- Lunge ea leg x10 IC
- Sprint 400 meters (around T courts)
- Flutter Kicks x100 OYO
- Oblique Crunch x15 ea side
- JOKER: Read aloud “Leave no man behind… But leave no man where you find him.” Each man carried the length of the court between the other two, feet held off the ground, arms over shoulders.
Mosey to Track for COP #4:
- Ball Dippers x10 IC
- Dips x25 OYO
- Smurf Jacks x25 IC
- Butt kicks 4-ct x10 IC
- Werkins x25 OYO
Mosey to other side of Track for COP #5:
- Freddie M’s x25 IC
- Elbow Plank x60sec
- SSH x100 OYO
- Rosalita x10 IC
- Karaoke length of track & back
Mosey BTTF:
- High Knees x10 IC
- Mtn Climbers x25 IC
- JOKER: Read aloud “The jester is the temptation of the flesh, that hinders acceleration.” Each man then named their jester, and excellent 3rd F discussion ensued.
- Counterama #3
- Namerama
- Announcerama (see Comments)
- Double Mint took us out in Prayer
- Nothing quite like small numbers to get to know each other. Welcome SCAR to F3RVA – Army weapons expert, hitched to Korean M while stationed in Korea, nicknamed the Korean word for Lion “Saja” while living there since they couldn’t pronounce the R for his Birth name Ryan. So F3 Charlotte nicknamed him SCAR…and also because he has had about 100 surgeries after his vehicle rolled while deployed in the Middle East. But most importantly, a born again Christian who is faithfully taking care of his family, and ready to plug into F3 RVA! He lives about a mile from TimberWolf, so we provided him some other AO’s to try as well. YHC was also very glad to have Double Mint’s company and appreciated his closing prayer. New Marketeers — you’re dead to me. :-/ Keep posting fellas!
– SUGARSOCK 40th BDay Party at Ardent this Fri 6pm-
– Early Risers this Sat 0400
– HDHH next week (7/24) after Roller Coaster
– PuppyPile next Sat 7/27
I fartsacked! I was still feeling sore after a DTH beatdown yesterday at SOT. And stayed up too late to get up early.
Sad to miss meeting an F3RVA newcomer. Welcome to Scar! Living further west (I’m in Powhatan) I expect I’ll see you at many of the same AO’s I frequent! (No Toll, SOT, T’wolf, Twin Team)
DTH – The Jokers seems to have provided some good encouragement and spurred good discussion. I’m regretting not showing up for the good 2nd and 3rd F this morning (maybe not the 1st F)!
Sorry DTH we were up north checking the boxes for the tour! Looks solid for sure! Next time NM will be there!
Great Q on the fly, DTH — I got to bask in my Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness™️ during my three hour drive to the mountains just now. Also some great mumble chatter from Scar — “The Army called; they want their PT Test back….”
Was this a T-Wolf with no T-Wolfers?
No worries brother – SYITG!