Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Fisher Price bells


6 of Richmond’s best found the right parking lot at Circus Maximus, Oyster after starting in the wrong spot, for YHC’s first kettlebell Q in too long. Atilla let us know early Jville was fartsacking and with that White Deer would too. Only 1 regular but and the rest being summer tourists.

Start the morning off with DQ, Helicopters, Russian soldiers, SSH and LBC.

KB mosey (walk with KB) to the front of the school. 30 each of the following – Sit and Press, Goblet squat, Swing, Reverse Lunge w. pass under leg. Run around the parking lot island. Repeato for 20 and 10 reps.

The Suck – Stations at every other column along the sidewalk. Stations are high pull, lawnmowers, Goblet squats, halos, swings – bear crawl between stations when the runner passes you. 10 merkins at the end then run to the start. Repeato with 10 HRM at the end.

Catch me if you can. Partner 1 takes both KB, #2 does 3 burpees and runs to catch up. Repeato with 5 burpees at Atilla’s request. Sugar Sock and Gumbo were running and carrying their bells overhead. Their KBs were either hollowed out or, as Atilla suggested, were the Fisher Price plastic version. Did anyone else notice a hole on the side of Gumbo’s KB?

The next item was meant to be done earlier but the Q forgot about it so it was brought around at the end when we were all a little more worn down. 1 burpee-4 KB swings repeato adding 1 and 4 until the Q says stop. 3-4 minutes was enough. Mary to close out the 45 minutes – Flutters, Alabama Honeymoons, H2H, American Hammers, dollies.

Great work today men, YHC was struggling to come up with variety in the KB exercises. Just means I need to get out there more. Thursdays are busy around F3 RVA but if you have a chance to mix in kettlebells it is highly recommended as a twist to the normal beatdowns.

It was great to see Attilla and see he is doing well and still yawning through beatdowns. A little disappointed the other regulars weren’t there for me to deliver the KB punishment but we’ll take the strong SOJ showing. That’s how you win Field Day boys. I guess I’ll have to come back later this summer to see the CM regulars. A side note, Atilla and Jville will be out of town for the last 2 weeks of June, Q’s may be needed for Circus and Gridiron. A great chance for summer tourists to Q a new AO.

-Gumbo’s Burpee/Home Run Derby June 25 at Huguenot Little League. There won’t be anyone at NoToll

-HDHH June 19 at Palani Drive


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  1. The damn epoxy gave out. Spent all night last night hollowing that KB out why else would I have been whipping ya’ll in the 30-20-10 sequence?

    Love the dig on Field Day…man, that doesn’t get old! Can’t wait to 3-peat in 2020!

    Great to get back to CM after a long KB hiatus. No doubt I will be feeling the KB aftershocks for the next 24 hours. Well done Rosie!

  2. Good Q Rosie. Was nice to see Atilla, and the strong SOJ showing across the rivah.

    Not sure what Gumbo’s overhead thing was all about, just typical Gumbo beast mode I reckon. My running with Bells was more running from burpees than anything else. Much like Wilson’s uncanny speed running back to the Flag after a beat-down; we all have different motivations. I’ll own that my KB was not a 35lber and add that the Circus Crew is batting 1.000: 2-for-2 calling me out on it during summer tours – good times. haha.

  3. Way to hold the AO Atilla. I was requested at 45mom. I think SOJ is on the metric system so that may lead to the KB confusion…

  4. Rosie, thanks for Qing. The summer tour is awesome. Love seeing some old but familiar faces. Great workout and great fellowship