0545 arrival time at Dogpile with AO secured by Bleeder. Shovel Flag planted in the ground with Breakfast Club rounding the turn. Kubota planted his flag and the PAX started to arrive. 28 Spring Loaded Men (1 FNG included) showed up to get it all out and see what the Q had in store…0600…time to mosey. Short jog to roundabout for COP: x 10 Don Quixote’s, x 20 SSH, x 5 Burpees, x 15 Flutter Kicks, and still mumblechatter so Q decided to start the fun.
The Cooper: x 10 Burpees, x 10 Merkins, x 10 Squats and run a lap. Lap was down the hill at Pump House and back up to the roundabout. Repeat exercise with one less rep, x 9 Burpees, x 9 Merkins, x 9 Squats, run a lap. Repeat and continue down to x 1 Burpee, x 1 Merkin, x 1 Squat and a final lap. While waiting for PAX continue, flutter kicks, LBC’s, and Iron Cross were enjoyed by the PAX. PAX picked up the 6 and moseyed to The Lawn.
Field of Dreams: teams of 4 partnered up and exercise explained. Corner 1 (Home Plate), Corner 2 (First Base), Corner 3 (Second Base), Corner 4 (Third Base). Each partner went to a base. Home Plate performed 15 Burpees and ran to first-first to second-second to third- third to home. While on the bases, first base did merkins, AMRAP. Second base, LBC’s, AMRAP. Third base, Squats, AMRAP. Run all bases till all partners had performed 15 Burpees. Mosey down to the other side of The Lawn.
Merkin Ladder: Run 50 yds, x 20 Merkins. Run back to the start, x 19 Merkins and repeat til 0 Merkins required. With time constraint, audible called however, Swirly crushed it and completed the ladder!
With time to spare, a Q favorite-AYG spirit the distance of The Lawn.
And mosey back to the flag and Puppy Pile welcoming us back!
Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements: Field Day May 11. See your respective captain for uniforms. Shakedown and Sugar Sock’s M’s are having an art sale at Perk (Bon Air Shopping Center) on Sunday. Stop by and show your support!
YHC took us out.
Naked Mole Skin: The Q heard the mumblechatter in COP and decided to start the work out so all that energy could be expunged out. Most all exercises can be found in the exicon. YHC will add “The Cooper” to the vault and takes up approx 30 minutes!
YHC wanted to work out Field of Dreams on baseball field at RLL but ran out of time. Time constraints and several PAX members were upset at the distance already run!!
Swirly, respect for finishing Merkin Ladder! Archive that one too!
Take Out, welcome to The PAX and F3RVA! Hardest thing to do=get out of bed! Keep posting and the workouts get easier…..well kinda! Glad you made it this morning!
Gentlemen, yes YHC gets emotional some times. Life is not easy nor is it fair! And we all have battles and scars that shape us. But this group and what we do, what we stand for is SUPER and POWERFUL! YHC has had a roller coaster month but being at The Gloom and having these workouts makes my day better!! HANDS DOWN!! Embrace that power and continue to be awesome, striving to make a difference!
Only those who post understand! And may God continue to bless each of you, for all the days we have the privilege to take a breath!
Loud and Proud,
Dude, today was brutally effective.
Flatline great Q brother! My Garmin watch showed 4 miles travel. Haven’t done much in a long time.
Love you Flatty. Great beatdown.
We almost got through a FL Q without a sprint. I was getting worried ?
Crushing beat down. Next time combo The Cooper with The Michigan – Wilson will thank you for it. Glad to call you my brother Flatty. You bring it all the time.
I’m exhausted! Great job, Flatline! Helix lapped me twice during the Cooper. Shakedown likes construction site ports-johns. Map of the workout looked like an upside down drawing of the female anatomy. Saab is naming the next FNG, Eat Out. Welcome to Take Out!
Great Q and awesome leadership Flatline! Strong work fellas!!
Flatline-I do love ya, but will forever hate running! Best comment all day was Sugar Sock – “who is this Cooper asshole?” I only know one Cooper and an asshole he is not. Flatline’s Cooper – not nice. I was absolutely spent yesterday, but had to keep moving it I was done.