600 miles so 600 thangs on repeat in this Dora flight at heartbreak ridge. Here’s how it went:
Mosey to COP #1:
Front of the school under the one light for a turbulent warm up in which the Pax quickly reminded me that I better get in cadence quick.
Warm up: 20 cheerleaders in honor of the hoos victory, a trial attempt at the Moroccan nightclub, don quixotes, helicopters
Mosey to COP #2:
Strolled into the fuselage to go directly into a holding pattern where we did an indigenous people run for two laps
At the forefront of the fuselage we did a jog to the second yellow pole and bear crawled to pole 3 and jog back for 100 merkins, 200 pole touches, 300 cheerleaders in this first Dora of 600
Chair hang one minute
Mosey to COP #3:
Basketball court- partner up, one runs backwards to opposite basketball goal and in honor of the hoos-
100 Bobby Hurleys- squat slap ground to a jump shot
200 plank jacks
300 flutter kicks
Counterama #8
Announcerama (see Comments)
YHC took us out in Prayer
Oh the slow flight into the warm up was ever so turbulent this morning. YHC hit moderate turbulence in cadence on YHCs second Q. The PAX quickly reminded the Q to get it together with some love and acceptance and a modified cadence. After the first two warm ups cadence improved to constant light turbulence as we finished the warm up. YHC will Make sure cadence is spot on in the next beatdown!
The beatdown commenced after the holding pattern indigenous people run. The PAX found strength in pushing the brave who entered the fuselage for a double Dora! Thanks for the support and I promise to fix cadence on the next flight.
All DOOZY has a VQ tomorrow at Source of Truth. Support DOOZY tom AM!
Don Drapers family as his wife and himself take some RnR and the grandparents watch the kids.
RogerRogers father in law eye cancer/surgeries.
Well done fellas.
Fly sound for some friendly skies at the DOOZY VQ tomorrow.
Prayers up for good results, RogerRoger
Draper – enjoy the RnR…good luck to the Grandparents.
Great Q Roger Roger! The Double Down on the Dora was tough!
Solid work RR. My quads are not a fan if cheerleaders!