Friday at The Creek
Run around church to see if anyone showed up -there were none. Parking Lot Tracers since we were jogging by. Circle up. Side Straddle Hops, LBC's, Merkins, Hillbilly's and Arm Circles. Modified Wilt/4 Corners of Church. 3 Laps around the church doing 33 of the following at the 4 corners - Bobby Hurley's, Heals to Heaven, LBC's and Skull Crushers (under the pavilion/near the corner of the church). Completed the 3 laps (yes we were one short of 100). Indian Run around the church with a burpee. 11's with burpee and WWII situps. We ran out of time before we finished. Circled up. Numberama, Namerama, Anouncements and Prayer. Wild Things wife is having some procedures performed due to a tumor. Please keep Wild Thing, his wife Ronda and their family in your prayers. See you in the gloom.