Seven suspects came out on April Fools day to see if it indeed might be an All Burpee-Beast. Turns out only Toga would do that to the PAX but we did do our share of Burpees.
COP – Invisible Jump Rope, Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, Freddy Mercurys. Head over to bowl field for the Beast:
Round 1 Burpees, R2 Merkins, R3 WWIIs, R4 JumpSquats, R5 LBCs, Round 6 Burpees Again. Then head over to playground to introduce Batteau pax to:
Chazz Michael Michaels: 3 Rounds of 8. Then 3 sets of 25 Boxing Dying Roaches. Then set of Pickle Pounders. Mosey over to maintenance vehicle lot: Various animal transportation forms up the hill.
Over to Tennis courts: Suicides of Backwards run, side shuffle, forward, then Wheelbarrow across. Back to field for hill sprint up and back. Another set of Pickle Pounders then back to flag for RoF and COT. Sugar Sock took us out.
NMS: YHC took pity on the PAX and saved the 2nd round of Burpees in the Beast for the last round. The original intent was to do round 2 of Burpees and let the PAX ponder whether we might actually do all 6 rounds as burpees. Turns out starting and ending the beast on the hill with burpees was plenty. The only one disappointed by us not doing ABB was Sippy Cup.
The Chazz Michael Michaels traveled SOJ and the Batteau pax seemed to enjoy them.
Faceplant has a $50 off tattoo coupon if anyone is looking to get Ink’ed up for Spring Break. Great to have 7 out in the 30 degree temps. Mother Nature was the one with the trick this morning.
Great to Have Honeydo @ Batteau this morning.
I liked the Chaz Micheal Michael’s .
Great job guys – way to work.
See y’all in the gloom.
Always good to Q at Batteau. No slackers on this PAX.
Nice Q, Honey Do. Two rounds of burpees with that hill was no joke. 6 mighta taken me until 7am to finish.
Always a good time at Batteau. It was a tough one, so tough that Sippy even had to break out his car and drive instead of run.
Honeydo–truthfully I was dreading the ABB and was contemplating how many iterations I would be able to endure with the weight vest on. 2/6 was enough!
I was pretty sure we were gonna do a beast x 2 with all burpees and prepared myself but was satisfied with the beatdown we endured. The imaginary raccoon was enough of an April fools scare for me. Well done Q. Well done.
Imaginary Racoon is my new band name. Called it.
Where’s an FNG when you need 1?
No doubt