7 men arrived for a Q not fit for any 2.0’s, and barely for us.
COP: SSH, arm circles, LBC’s, DQ.
Mosey to Mudface’s truck to pick up Deadweight, our 75 pound sandbag, for Native American sandbag lunge–first PAX puts sandbag on shoulders, lunges 10 steps, drops sandbag, runs to back of line, next PAX picks it up. Rinse and repeat around the parking lot and to the middle of the field, each man taking it at least 3 times.
Time for grass drills! PAX runs in place, high knees, while one member does a combination of lifts, squats with sandbag, then toss it over their shoulder yelling “drop!.” While it’s in the air, rest of PAX drops to ground and bounces back up before it hits the ground. Repeat through whole PAX, then add in a burpee with sandbag, repeat through whole PAX again.
Next, PAX lays down side by side, head to feet, starting on end, do WWII situp with Deadweight, at top of situp, carefully give sandbag to next man in line, repeat until everyone has done it 6 times. While waiting your turn keep doing WWII situps.
Repeat Native American sandbag lunge back to the flag. Numberama, namerama, Rounders took us out.
NMS: YHC is not fond of Deadweight, whose last appearance was at the never to be repeated Sandbag Mile. The PAX was similarly enthusiastic, especially Bulkhead, who kept getting the extra rep in somehow. PAX also had to deal with a dog being walked nearby, who kept being spooked when Deadweight hit the ground. The grass drills were rough, but Rounders kept the PAX laughing by doing a good imitation of someone who had 20 too many Red Bulls, often at a loud volume, hoping to wake up Flounder, whose house abuts the field. No such luck, but Rounders is probably up for another go at it. YHC doubts even Emoji thought the grass drills were a favorite–high knees is really tough after lunging with 75 pounds. All in all, the Q kept the PAX moving and the PAX responded with gusto.
As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing.