At least 27 strong arrived at Elwood Thompson’s parking lot for a different kind of beatdown. Some arrived at 0530, some at 0600 and some at 0630. At 0600, this is what went down:
Kubota Q:
COP in front of The Hall Tree which is closing shop:
Helicopters x 15
Don Quixotes x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
Russian Soldiers x 15
Progressive 4 Corners (Bro-Code Style) in the parking lot:
Corner 1 – 10 Merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers
Corner 3 – 10 Merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 LBC’s
Corner 4 – 10 Merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 LBC’s, 40 SSH’s
Upchuck Q:
Some kind of parking space “hop, scotch” exercise that was audibled to 10 Burpees OYO. Circle up and Upchuck led us in a quick prayer for God to officially quash the “hop, scotch” exercise.
Bleeder Q:
Find your own parking space and plank up at the top line of the space. Plank walk and trace the lines to the left and 5 merkins at end of the line. Plank walk back and 5 merkins. Plank walk to the right and 5 merkins at end of line. Plank walk back and 5 merkins.
Hardywood Q:
Parking Lot Suicides: Running using first 5 lines. Bear Crawl light pole to light pole. Crawl Bear light pole to light pole. Lunge light pole to light pole.
Swirly Q:
Grab your own parking space at 3 rounds of the following:
10 Incline Merkins on parking stop thing
10 Decline Merkins on parking stop thing
10 Dips on parking lot stop thing
Al Gore-o-rama and Plank-o-rama
End of Bootcamp
Gather everyone up with Shovel Flags ready and at 0632, begin the 2 mile Glory Run. Cary Street East to Boulevard. Boulevard South to Columbus Statue. Take Group photos. Run down by lake and make a quick loop to kill time. Gather up forces and commence to Dogpile. Arrive at Dogpile parking lot at 0655 and plant flags.
NMS: It has been decided by many that Breakfast Club will became an official AO soon. It is 45 minutes long. 30 minute run to Dogpile and 15 minute run back to ET’s after Dogpile. Good way to loosen up for Dogpile festivities and to earn your bacon and eggs.
What a nice crowd this morning! Lots of mumblechatter and lots of pictures and videos taken. Running with your brothers and with Old Glory just makes everything seem right. Big Black F3 Flag and Ghost Flag were also hoisted this morning. F3 Flag is a beast. Running with that will give you a good workout. Enjoy your day men!
I many have forgotten some people. If so, please let me know and I will add you! Enjoyed it fellas!
Great job Kubota. What an awesome experience Breakfast Club has become – in large measure because F3RVA is such an awesome group of men.
Love Nreak
Love Breakfast club and this group of men . See y’all in the gloom . Thanks for taking the lead Kubota!