11 men, including a man-like 2.0, showed up to pick a workout from the Mudface Menu. Here’s what happened…
COP SSH x 10, Merkins x 10, Arm circles 10 and 5, reverso.
Mosey back to bus loop, time for AMRAP fun. 10 minutes of: snatch, 5 each arm, one leg dead lift, 5 each leg, sit up touch KB to toes x 5, jump squats with KB x 5. Count up how many sets of this you did, subtract that from 20, perform that number of Turkish get ups.
Graduation walk for Mudface, Chewy, Bulkhead and No Idea, waiter carry around the loop while the PAX hums Pomp and Circumstance. 5 minute AMRAP: overhead press x 5, lawnmowers, 5 each arm, slingshots, 5 each direction, curb calf raises x 5. Count up the sets, subtract that from 10 and get those TGU done!
Circle up, numberama, namerama, Chewy took us out.
NMS- Mudface again asked the PAX to pick workout A or B-assuming he actually had different workouts planned, the PAX chose one of them, YHC doesn’t remember which. At some point, Mudface quoted a line from Monty Python’s Life of Brian, “Always look on the bright side of life.” The PAX responded by doing the whistling part, and Mudface kept the song going for quite a long time. YHC has included a clip of the relevant part above. The mumble chatter was brisk early on but the AMRAP quickly cured that. The Turkish getups were killers, and kudos to Mudface and Rounders for making sure everyone followed proper form.
As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing.
Great morning all around!
Ouch, very well done! Thank you Mud Face an Ghost Writer No Idea! The how-to-do-Turkish Get-ups video link Mud Face sent the night before was extremely helpful. https://youtu.be/CCV02JdQkwI Still feel the burn. Thanks gentlemen!