10 stallions (5 from SOJ) braved the 10 degree forecast to find a sunny and 70 45mommm ready to be tamed. Dr. Tryhard planted a shovel flag in the frozen tundra of the near West End, the pax observed the beauty of the celestial alignment of 2 planets and the moon, and YHC called time to go. The james-river-passport-stamp-worthy beatdown went something like this:
Mosey around perimeter of entire AO to assemble at corner at Grove for COP: SSH, DQ, Copperhead Squats, Russian Soldiers, Tempo Merkins, Hello Dollies, Dying Cock Roaches
All of the above was performed in cadence…unless it wasn’t…and when YHC surveyed the Pax, in cadence, if anyone would cheer for the Patriots in the Superbowl besides TYA, 2 meager voices said aye…respect, we’re jealous…but we’re sick of it, TYA. As a Redskins fan, YHC is more excited about Tony Romo finally making his first Super Bowl, hoping he’ll muff the Jim-Nantz-gift-wrapped tee up…and that Sean McVay wins so that Jay finally gets fired.
Mosey to where everyone parks for a Bearimeter: partner up – 1 partner bear crawls parking lot perimeter, while 1 partner runs backwards around perimeter, meet partner switch and continue in same direction of bear crawl – repeat until perimeter complete
Mosey to track for variation of Merkin Mile…Dryhumper Mile(easily could have been then post title): Run a lap, then 25 Carolina Drydocks + 25 Monkey Humpers – repeato x4
Mosey to endline of main field that was open, partner up for Traditional Dora: 1 partner runs to end of field and back, 1 partner performs 1 merkin, 2 WW2s, 3 squats (1 set) until partner returns. Switch & repeat-o until 100 sets complete. Audible called with 40 to go.
Mosey back towards the flag, assemble for Mary: Alabama Prom Dates, LBCs, Xs & Os
COT- Dr. Tryhard took us out
Naked Moleskin
YHCs car thermometer read 12-14 degrees on the way, the AO was a balmy 16 which felt like 70 and sunny…
YHC thanks Saab for unlocking his car so we could hang before the workout…miss you, dude.
Swirly crushed the DryHumper mile…shock factor = 0
Handshake had never done a traditional Dorra before…and wasn’t pleased. Saab also complained about the transition time. Bless all of your cotton socks, as Mrs. K would say.
BRR in Sept
Retreat in Sept
Great job guys !
Always a pleasure to see DK @ Mary !
See y’all in the gloom..
Great catching up with you DK. Thanks for making the trek across the river.
Enjoyed seeing some regulars!
Ah-ha! That is where the SOJ guys were. But wait, I still don’t see any New Market names in the PAX list??
Nice work DK. Those 2 extra degrees that you guys had versus Timberwolf I’m sure made all of the difference!
Thx for keeping us warm DK – enjoyed the DryHumper – will use in future Q.
Great Q DK. Anytime bear crawls make an appearance, Sugar Sock approves.
Way to work guys!