18 of RVA’s Finest arose this morning to post at W-Dog in hopes of continuing our journey to be the best men we can be! 0530….time to mosey.
COP…x 10 Don Quixotes, x 10 Russian Soldiers, x 15 Copperhead Squats, x 10 Flutter Kicks, x 20 LBC’s, x 10 HRM’s, and x 10 Boo-ya Merkins.
Mosey to The Rusty Cage=Exercise 1- partner up for the fun of it. Perform as many pull ups as possible, OYO or with slight assistance. Mosey to the field in front of the stage and keep your partner.
Exercise 2- As many sit-ups as possible in 2 mins! Partner holds feet, switch, repeat!
Exercise 3- The Millennial. (Way better than 1.5 mile run) The Pax will run 100 yds and perform set exercise, with 100 reps of stated exercise. Perform 10 Lawn runs with exercise change after each run. Exercises were= 1. Flutter Kicks 2. Mountain Climbers 3. Crunchy Frogs 4. Merkins 5. SSH 6. Freddie Mercuries 7. Alabama Prom Dates 8. Plank Jacks 9. Squats 10. Burpeees (as a Pax, 100 Burpees were well completed but audible called due to time).
Mosey to the Flag for Ring of Fire- Handshake and Offshore started, moving to the L, each Pax member completes 10 Merkins. And times up!
Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements: Puppy Pile, tentative on Saturday depending on the weather-see Ollivander. BRR is an awesome event. See Flatline or TYA if interested. Spaces available for 12 man team. Vinny has a food drive for federal employees not receiving their paycheck if you would like to help. 0530, every Saturday morning extra credit run from ET’s to Dogpile and back. With Shovel Flags! Running up and down Cary with Shovel Flag fills the America Spirit Tank. Don’t ask-just show up and run=Awesomeness!!!
Greenbow took us out!
NMS: VMI Fitness Test minimum= 5 pullups, 60 situps in 2 minutes, and running 1.5 miles in less 14 minutes. Slight modification this morning with The Millenial vs a timed run! Way better too!
Bodos…agreed that a partner was not needed for pullups. Good call but there were the situps so that was the reason for partner call at The Cage.
Sippy Cup-outstanding work with 45 situps with 12 lbs weight vest on. Even more kudos for purchasing your weight belt at Aldi’s. That is awesome!!
100 Burpees, individually, is no joke! Outstanding job cranking out those Burpees men!
Thank you for following this morning! Working on cadence and not using _ _ C-at all! Let us not foresake these blessings that fill our life. Go out in the world today and shine that light as bright as possible!
Only those who post understand.
Loud and Proud,
Heck of a good Q Flatline !
Way to work guys.
See y’all in the gloom..
Looks like I missed a great Q Flatline. I tried out SOT this AM for an enjoyable Hot Potatoe medley. As outlined in separate posting, PLEASE click the following link to order your individualized RVA tshirts! ??
Solid work today Flatty! I was all in for the V-Sit and Reach. Maybe next time. I think Greenbow, Slippin’ Jimmy and I combo’d for about 82 burpees before audible was called. Not everybody gets a ribbon. Have a great day fellas.
Really good Q! I hadn’t done an F3 workout in over 2 weeks and it showed. I think my sit ups turned into the Dying Cockroach by the second minute and the burpees made for a killer finale to the Millenial. Good way to start the day!
My man Flatline! Heck of a Q brother. Love the idea of building in some fitness tests so we can mark our progress.
By the way Vinny, can you provide details on the canned food drive? thanks
I take it someone younger than me came up with that 10×100 workout. Solid beatdown as long as no participation trophies are awarded.
Enjoyed it Flatline, missed the Swedish Chef cadence though.
The original F3RVA Fitness Test – Old Glory