13 idiots paid no attention to the temperatures and posted this morning to Spider Run for some frosty miles. Some (didn’t count) even held strong SOP – true morons tend to reveal themselves in these conditions…YHC resembles this remark.
But, as the title suggests, one benefit was complete loss of feeling from the waste down. Almost felt like I was on cruise control.
Routes were:
- 4-milers – cross the lake and down the trail to Campus Dive and across to University. Up University to Westhamp Pkwy, then Left. Across River Rd onto Country Squire and left on S. Ridge down to Westham Station and up to the River Road shopping center. Cross the shopping center and return to the flag via UR Drive. Add a loop around the lake for mileage as time allows.
- 5-milers – same as 4-milers but add in a trip across the Huguenot Bridge.
- 6-milers – same as 5 milers but add a loop up past the library and around the law school and down Gateway Drive before crossing the lake.
Brief COT, Number-rama and Name-a-rama and YHC took us out…remember, it was COLD!
Only announcement is Puppy Pile this Saturday. Ollie on the Q.
Great to see big numbers here and across RVA despite the temps. Way to go men! It was damn cold and it took a bit (for YHC at least) to get my breathing right, but then it felt pretty good. It was great running with Swirly, Swiper and EF Hutton – until Swirly put it into beast mode and took off. Swiper added some fartleks and ran away from YHC and EFH a few times only to toy with us and return to our pace.
There was even a Fudd siting, coming in hot and catch up to the group, Willie Mays Hays style. Well done Fudd.
Great run this morning fellas.
13 idiots – love it !
Way to work guys- great way to start the day !
See y’all in the gloom…
Strong work men!!
Nice route there Gumbo. Glad the winds cooperated with us on the bridge.
I’ll let you know when “my boys” descend…it was mighty cold down there.
Like that route. Swiper and Swirly may need to be promoted to the 6 miler club.
Good route. I don’t think my fingers thawed till mile 4. Thanks to Shakes for lending a light and glad Fudd caught us. That ruck pack will make Swirly a 6-miler for sure!
Naw just ran faster cause I was freezing …..
And nobody fell on the ice.. good fun guys.
Enjoyed it men! It’s rare that I get to post for a Spider Run. Love the route that we took. It’s incredible to see the moon reflecting off the river, even when it’s 15 degrees.
Big thanks to Big Tennessee for giving me a ride home after my car dongle froze and wouldn’t work. That wasn’t the only dongle that froze, I can tell you.
Beautiful… 🙂