Lucky number 7 posted to the frozen tundra that is Timberwolf and all 7 remained in the comfort and warmth of their vehicles until the 1 minute call, then this happened:
Mosey around front and over to the bus lot for COP, including:
- SSHs
- DQs
- Helicopters
- Imperial Walkers
- LBCs
Lightpost 11s
Using the 10 lightposts around the bus lot as our stopping points, do a round of 11s starting with 10 slow deep knee bends (i.e., copperhead squats) and 1 2-ct flutter kick. +1/-1 until 1 squat and 10 flutters. Al Gore for the six
Variety Show Mosey around back through lightpost alley with buttkickers, high knees, Karaoke and layup/skips.
Minutes and Miles
Pick up some goodies left by YHC and form a circle on the frozen field. PAX will exercise for 1 minute, then run a lap around the track and return to the circle, shifting 1 spot clockwise and picking up with the next exercise. Repeato x7 so everyone hits each spot and we get 7 laps in. Exercises included:
- Jump Rope — actual, not invisible (except for Bullseye)
- KB squats with 35lb KB
- KB swings with 25lb KB
- LBCs
- Box Cutters
- Freddy Flutters
- Dr. W (8-ct ab exercise that basically combines Dollies and Rosalitas – look it up)
Mosey back to the flag for COT, Number-rama and Name-a-rama and YHC took us out.
- Puppypile 1/26 – Ollivander has the Q
- Week O Hardywood continues and the entire PAX is feeling it. Well done sir. 2 more days to go.
- Continued prayers for Opus’s M and family – hope the surgery goes (or went) well.
The SOJ PAX including YHC is still reeling from Hardywood’s beatdown at NoToll. Kudos and Respect to Hardywood and others who have endured multiple Hardywood Qs in a row. It takes all you got!
Today was focused on movement, cardio and abs with a some lower body work mixed in there.
Great to have LugNut out at Timberwolf for his second bootcamp this week. Looking strong brother.
Some great conversation and quotes thrown out during the Minute Circle of Pain this morning. But it got very quiet when the banjo played. The fellowship (and laps) made the cold disappear. Way to work fellas.
No More Gumbo For You!
Well done guys. Thanks for coming out.
Good workout Gumbo. It’s nice to be back in action!
Nice job guys, love mixing things up with the KB work.
Don’t tell the others, but I hear the pain train crosses the river again tomorrow. I don’t want to think about it at that AO right now.
Good idea to break out the kettlebells again. The M has taken over mine but I can probably find a way to get them out of the house for an early morning beatdown.
After a day off yesterday and a burpee free day today, I think I am ready for whatever the pain train has in store for TwinTeam.
Don’t poke the Tiger, Rosie!
Solid Q (although that could be the first ever for me with no merkins ?). Sugar Sock – thanks for the heads up!
Solid work Gumbo. I am envisioning the Miles and Minutes making an appearance at an AO in the future. Way to bring the pain. Even more impressive is to do it without burpees or merkins. Sounds like doing surgery with a spoon instead of a knife. It can probably be done, but it’s gonna hurt like hell.