5 studs arrived at the AO that is known as DaVille for a beatdown that went soemthing like this:
Mosey across the parking lot for COP. Exercises included Invisible Jumpropes, Arm Circles and DQs.
Mosey to the first light pole for 5 merkins and 10 WWII situps. Second light pole=10 merkins and 20 WWIIs. Progress to the fifth light pole for 25 merkins and 50 WWIIs.
Mosey all the across the way sidewalk for 11s. Start with 10 LBCs and run across the parking lot for 1 squat. Run back across the parking lot 9 LBCs. Alternate methods of crossing the parking to run backwards, skipping, and kareoke.
Mosey to BBALL courts for suicides. (It is not a CK Q w/o suicides) Regular, backwards run and reverse suicide with burpees.
Mosey to the bus loop. PAX mosey as a group and one member perform 3 burpees and catches the PAX. Repeato until all PAX have completed burpees. Repeato 3 times.
4 Corners. Corner 1=20 dips. Corner 2=10 incline merkins. Corner 3=20 dips. Corner 4=20 flutterkicks. Repeato 2 times.
Mosey back to VSF for APDs and Freddie Mercuries.
Numberama, Namearama, LR took us out with a prayer.
Announcements-Wanna play Disc Golf-See LR. Opus M is having surgery, throw some prayers his family’s way.
NMS: As YHC was watching the CFP Championship game last night, YHC realized YHC did not have a plan this morning. SO YHC showed up to the AO Swirly Early and rucked for 30 minutes to think of what kind of beatdown YHC would deliver. As we finished the PAX moseying as group with burpees, YHC realized YHC had completed the palnned exercises. YHC then remembered that Bulkhead mentioned during the running that he needed to increase his cardio work. All you had to do was ask. Your welcome for the 4 corners. It was great having the PAX stay together for some mumbelchatter about various items. LR had a a Jeep that he spent more to repair in the first year than he paid for the vehicle was how we started the morning and it went from there. Great work by the PAX this morning. It was a pleasure and an honor to lead this morning.
Circle K