Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The FNGs keep rolling in.


Another big day at Heartbreak Ridge.  15 pax, including 2 FNGs, posted on a very mild January morning.  It went something like this:

Run around the school and then circle up for COP

SSH, imperial walkers (I was rusty), Don Quixotes, arm circles (reverso), helicopters, merkins, and LBCs.

Mosey to the track for 4 x 4 corners – 25 reps of flutter kicks, merkins, squats, and LBCs – 4 laps.

Then off to the back of the school for some pole smokers.  With such a big pax, we ran through it quick.

The wall looked inviting, so we did wall sits and balls to the wall.

Then back to the flag for a quick merkin ring of fire.

Numberama, nameorama and the Q took us out.


It was great seeing so many of us out there this morning.  This was my long overdue first Q since returning from surgery.  Thanks gentlemen for all your hard work.  Welcome Lumberg and DOS.


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  1. Great job Ronnie, I haven’t had the pleasure of attending a Ronnie-Q since I started F3, you didn’t disappoint.

  2. Strong return Q Ronnie. 4 corners is popular this week I guess. Great to see 15 at HBR!

  3. Way to get back in the saddle Ronnie. Well done gents.

    Is there a VQ Alert for Dr. Tryhard next Tuesday at HBR? That might bring Gumbo North for a Tuesday morning.