Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hardly Wood


13 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day. Seeing how today is the day of The Epiphany we finally got some cooperation in the weather.  There was all kinds of calamity out of the gate.  We had some trail runners, some road warriors and a few who followed the beat of their own drums.  According to legend it went a little something like this.

Across the Nickel Bridge to the trails, then connect with the service road at Reedy Creek.  Run to the 22nd street stairs an on to the TPot and take the north side trails back to home base.  All pax did some variation of this route.

Numberama, namerama and Ollivander led us out.

News:  Puppy pile has been pushed back to 1/26 with Ollivander at the Q.

There’s a ton of rucking going on.  See someone with a heavy backpack for details.

Please keep Opus’s M and Pert Plus’s mother in your prayers.

Moleskin: The pax was strong today and a good time was had at ET’s afterwards.  Thanks for the kind words and the cupcake.



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  1. You are a fine group of men. Thanks for coming out and sharing your time and talents. Big cheers to you all.

  2. Enjoy your special day Wood. Remember, you now have 10 years of debauchery and mayhem at your disposal until Ollie’s blessing officially expires.

  3. Happy Birthday Hardly. Hope you enjoyed your gluten free sugar free CBD-infused vegan birthday cupcake.