Rumours of River Run becoming a boot camp for this morning drove YHC to test run the neighborhood drive last night, set the alarm a few minutes early, and brave the river crossing. Through the precarious and ever-present road construction, YHC deftly maneuvered and muscled for rank, finally reaching the unplowed tundra of James River Rd…
Only to find the entrance to Bettie Weaver undisturbed. Pure, as they say, as the driven snow. No PAX, no Q.
Set back, but unbowed, YHC took to the roads once again, including an extended session behind a plow caravan on Patterson. When the weather drives the SOJ’ers back indoors, YHC knew it would only spur the men of Tuckahoe onto greater bouts of silliness. They did not disappoint, with Hoedown highlights including a fishtail parking job, two PAX members in shorts, and a mini Nerf football. And according to consensus at Hoedown, this morning definitely counts as a double-dip in Big Data.
Next time, it’s sledding down Twin Team!
Well done !
Nice! The rare Monday morning double-dip post!
Mr. Holland can post to Punisher and round out the Monday Trilogy.
Great job Mr. Holland!
Mr. Holland – first a million pardons. I’m embarrassed to leave you hanging. Indeed the foot of snow and ice kept me from allowing me to post to lead the self-proclaimed RiverRun bootcamp. Respect (I think?) to you and the Tuckahoe men for getting out. I owe you some extra burpees next time I see you at Twin Team.
Extra burpees, indeed! I did you the favor of signing you up for the Q on Friday’s Twin Team.
Looking forward to it!
There is a small contingent of F3 PAX who can somehow just appear – mid Beat Down – out of The Gloom (and you don’t know who you are)…let’s add Mr. Holland to that list. Solid persistency on a terrible weather day.
Are these Tuckahoe Burpees? In a bow tie, tux, and tails.
Great idea. Muchas Gracias. I’m looking forward to it. Maybe a little Sisyphus with some Gumbo spice in it…who knows? I do a burpee for every mile you had to drive today from your house to River Run and then to Hoedown.
Would a cowboy tuxedo suffice…I’m SOJ remember?
You know I’ve always got cones and flower pots, brother!
Unfortunately I’m going to have to rain check this one. Have to get my daughter to an MRI by 6:30. I will rain check.
Hope everything is okay with your daughter Gumbo. …Will send prayers if needed.
Thanks, Tobit. She’s ok. Just lingering affects of her concussion so finally getting an MRI to rule anything more out and check out her neck.
Hope all goes well, my friend.