Thursday, January 23
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Keeping moving, keeping warm.


A group of 5–2 dads and 3 kids gathered for the last puppy pile of the season.  It went something like this:

Marv leading.

COP–10x SSH, 10x Don Quixote, 10x Imperial Walkers,  Arm circles, 5x Merkins, 10x LBCs.  5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to amphitheater for a series of two triple checks.  The “timer” was a runner to the top of the steps.

#1.  Run, SSHs, LBCs

5 Burpees OYO

#2 Run, Jump Squats, Merkins

5 Burpees OYO.

Sippy leading.

Mosey to Rusty cage.  3x rounds of Solo Jerkins (8x) and Bar hang leg raises (5x).

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey down the pipe for a pipe loop run.  1 partner runs the loop while the other partner lunges back and forth across the street.

5 Burpees OYO

Whamo animal walks along the road and up the partner carry hill.  One PAX throws frisbee.  Sprint until disc stops, then proceed to disc using one of a variety of ways–bear crawls, crab walks, duck walks, turkey walks (duck walk with arm circles), broad jumps, partner carries, but kickers, high knees.

5 Burpees OYO (during the Whamo animal walk at some point)

Balls to the wall on a large tree near the shelter at top.

Mosey back to the flag.

1 Burpee OYO–to make a total of 31 (the number of points scored by UVA yesterday in their loss).

COT, Marv took us out.


It is really fun to work out with your kids and see them pushing themselves and having other men encouraging them as well.  I’ll miss puppy pile this winter.  Today was a bit cold but everyone warmed up quickly  and were toasty by the end (I think).  We had a group of older kids so we didn’t scale back too much. We did try a few experiments–Turkey walks are a solid addition.  Double partner carries, not so much.


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