Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dictator Q at Circus


We did not have a volunteer Q for Circus Maximus this week. There was talk of a hot potato Q, but YHC (Johnsonville) seized it and would not yield to others (at least until 3 min left). This is what went down, sort-of:

Rapid-fire warm-up with about everything you can imagine, including, but not limited ssh, don quiotes, cherry pickers, burpees, arm circles, etc.

Elevens starting with 10 KB snatches per arm on one side of the circus maximus; run to the other side and do 1 mountain climber; continue around the circus maximus to the start. Note that the mountain climbers started out as 2 count, but I changed them to 4 count in order to achieve better symmetry (for downtown guys, that word means “correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing”). Rinse and repeat 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, etc. to 1/10.

Bearimeter around the circus maximus with 1 person doing death crawl, a wing-man doing normal bearcrawl, and the PAX doing either plank or wall sit until the death crawler fizzles out. Then rotate, and continue until PAX completes 1 full revolution

5 minutes of Mary, including White Deer doing his famous boat/canoe routine (Hey you in the blue pants!), and ending with a ring of fire.

YHC took us out.

Prayers and healing to Ms. Chum Bucket and to the whole Chum Bucket family. Prayers and healing to Earthworm.

Thanks for letting me lead! Jville


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