Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

7 vs 10/20/30 x 5


The title says it all really…Holland, out.



(ok fine…)

A seven-strong PAX lit up Twin Team this morning with an exploratory worthy of (stolen from?) River Run, with added benefits! It went down like this:

The run route went up Twin Team, through Tarrington, eventually back to Bettie (just over 3 miles in all). Meanwhile, the Q had a 5-minute timer going, and each time it ran out, the PAX had 10 burpees, 20 WWIIs, and 30 mountain climbers before continuing on. It took the whole time, and it was decent.

YHC continues to experiment with time-based beatdowns, and needs to run more. Shout out to Pew, guest starring from way down in Mobile, AL where he’s just started a new F3 community!



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