Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Two Years!


18 warriors showed up to celebrate two years of The Creek and it went down something like this…

Slaughter Start – 26 merkins

The Carpenter took the Q

Mosey around the church building

COP All IC – 25 SSHs, 5 HRMs, 10 copperhead squats, 6 HRMs, 10 dying cockroaches, 7 HRMs, 10 don quixotes, 8 HRMs, 25 LBCs, 9 HRMs, arm circles, 10 HRMs

Mosey to the front of the building near the loop

Loop This!

  • Partner up
  • One partner goes around the loop, half with bear crawl, half with lunges while the other partner does WWII sit-ups. Switch.
  • One partner goes around the loop, half with crab walk, half with lunges while the other partner does HRMs. Switch.

Spit took the Q

Mosey to the field

Polar Bear Dora

  • Partner up – one partner grabs a cinder block
  • One partner does 5 polar bears out and 5 polar bears back while the other exercises. Switch until all exercises completed
  • 100 overhead presses, 200 leg raises while holding the cinder block up, 300 squats while holding the cinder block

Mosey to the flag

10 boo-yah merkins!

Numberama, Namerama, Announcements, Wild Thing took us out


  • Convergence tomorrow morning – 6 am at Dogpile followed by a COP and then run
  • Puppy pile next Saturday after Dogpile


Abacus called for a Friday morning AO a few years ago and there were many doubters. He and a few others pushed through the resistance and fired up The Creek. To this day, no one really knows the location of the creek but the AO is next to a neighborhood called Ashcreek so there you have it…

The PAX rolled in and was ready to go to work. Hardywood elicited a cheer as he located his special parking spot (Spit noticed that non-DaVillians tend to park in the spots closest to the road). Emoji offered gloves and somebody confused it for a drug deal. There is never a dull moment at The Creek.

Spit called for a slaughter start of 26 merkins. 26 men showed up for the one year anniversary of The Creek last year and we paid respect.

YHC took the Q from there and the COP showcased some of the PAX doing all kinds of dance moves during the SSHs. YHC limited the number to 25 to stop the madness while recognizing that someone was going to get hurt. The increasing HRMs strategically placed between each exercise elicited the expected groans and provided for a full warm-up before heading over to The Loop.

The initial bear crawlers collided and fought for position like they were at the RIR. It is a race weekend here in Richmond so they were not too far off from the festivities. Wilt tried to out-crab-walk YHC and got run over. He eventually got smashed by Spit as well. Wilt exclaimed that he felt like he was in a Mario Kart race without any weapons. The only weapon that is necessary at a F3 workout is determination. The PAX showed that this morning. Spike and Hardywood crushed The Loop exercises and finished way ahead of everyone else. That is a team that you don’t want to mess with!

Spit took the Q and dished out some Creekish (whatever that means) pain in the field with the cinder blocks and polar bears. The PAX didn’t relent and knocked out the exercises in a timely manner with limited mumble chatter. Spit forced the 2.0s to go for a run around the field because they lost focus. Spit will do just fine as his 2.0 grows older. I’m sure his 2.0 will have to do some runs around the neighborhood if he talks back or fails to get his chores done.

It was a great morning all around as we celebrate two years of The Creek. It would have only been better if Abacus had shown up and made us do 45 minutes of ab insanity… He didn’t… Let’s go for another year and look forward to starting next year’s workout with a slaughter start of 18 of something…

The Carpenter



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  1. Great job fellas! It’s wasn’t 26 but still a great showing. Hardywood glad you were able to join us brother.

    Cheers to the next 2 years!

  2. It’s been a blast! Thanks for making the creek a special place where 2.0’s are welcomed and encouraged! You are an integral part of my life now. Peace!

  3. So Carpenter is right the neighborhood across the street is named Ashcreek and there is an actual creek that runs next to the clubhouse.

    Next time you come out maybe we will take a tour