Eight young gentlemen showed up ready to take on another Tuesday, only to find that they had no fearless leader. Not to be undone by this captain-less ship, a hot potato Q was called. Here’s what YHC can remember:
COP: invisible jump rope, Russian soldiers, kickbacks, LBCs. Mosey across parking lot for curb crawls (merkin escalator 1-11 on each end). You vs. You in deciding to crawl bear on return trip or turn around.
Parking-lot-tracers-meet-indian-runs: Each man holding plank in a parking spot, last man runs tracers to the front. Continue across until PAX is all on the wall @ People’s Chair. Back across to finish up.
Partners: 100 donkey kicks, 200 LBCs, 300 side straddle hops. One man running the hill while other working on the numbers.
Mosey to Jerkin Gym, for escalating sets: 6,7,8
Mosey to Heartbreak Ridge. Time was short, so PAX had to fit in as much as possible! Partners, then partners form groups of 4. One team partner carries up HBR, other team @ bottom for PLTs. Switch until you’ve done everything, time permitting.
Mosey to flag, numbers, names, ‘nouncements.
YHC has little by way of sentimentality or snark this morning. Way to work, men – and well done on all the impromptu beatdowns from each Q.
Great work this morning, everyone! Somehow left out above was Flange’s “cool down lap” that had burpees literally at every turn…
Looks like fun creative Hot Potato.. See you in the gloom.
Great to be with you gents this morning! First time hitting Heartbreak Ridge and will be back to enjoy another beat down. I will apologize for the announced “cool down lap”, knowing as soon as I said it, there are no cool down laps in the F3 Lexicon (I couldn’t say for sure, just guessing). I also knew I was representing the SOJ’ers as well. Thanks for kicking things off LG and way to push on the partner work everyone. Have a great rest of the day!
Way to bring the pain in the heat guys.
Flange is a wrestler, the Burpee run was a cool down for him.